painting by rene magritte
my sister is playing christmas carols on her harmonica that she just re-discovered. hahahahaha wow. she is cleaning the entire house, something that needs to be done every weekend in my household if we do not wish to drown in a domestic mess.
our house is a disaster right now because we gave away our useless desk, which is where we pile all our shit when we don't know what to do with it. sooo all of that "shit we don't know what to do with" is on the floor. thus the living room looks like a refugee camp. this apartment is so fucking cramped. i could clean for three hours straight and it wouldn't look any neater.
we need a bookshelf asap.
i made birthday cards for aylz and denise. i am a good classmate. man i'm antsy like crazy right now. and my sister has just announced that she gives up cleaning because there's just too much to do. hahahaha.
msn is irritating me. people play little mind games on msn. well isn't this just so profoundly stupid.
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