Broken Social Scene, Commodore Ballroom
10 min 54 seconds
clips of:
Cause = Time
Almost Crimes
plus interviews
i went at this concert :O
too bad i didn't go up on the stage.
it's pretty good quality, watch it
Monday, July 31, 2006
ps. i just watched the last five minutes of Blues Clues and BLAEEARGHG i love Steve Burns
he sings:
we just figured out blues clues
we just figured out blues clues
we just figured out blues clues
because we're really smart!
plus he does a little jig to go with it to. le siiiiiigh.
steve RULES.
pps. DENISE: i was watching kim possible the other day and THERE WAS THE KIM POSSIBLE SONG THAT THE LITTLE CAITLIN USED TO SING. that killed me. its the "talent show" episode. i laughed for like five minutes straight.
ok bye!
i am a friggin housewife this afternoon. i woke up near noon and after brunch i washed every single dish and mug and cup and bowl and fork that needed to be washed.
then i put away all the books in the shelves, vacuumed the entire apartment, cleaned the office space, tidied the living room, hand-washed delicate clothes, cleaned one bathroom until it was spic 'n span (this was the worst), scrubbed the kitchen floor with a wet rag, and windex-ed all the mirrors in the house.
the worst part of cleaning an apartment is that everything is so cramped and small, it's a pain in the ass to clean the tiny corners everywhere.
the next thing i'd like to accomplish is clean my sister's room but it's too scary too step in there.
:O i have my new glasses...
im wearing my YMCA DAYCAMP VOLUNTEER shirt from two summers ago. wheeee
its 3am btw. my sleeping pattern is out of whack
denise: i dont want summer to end
jenny: tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST
denise: shhhhhhhh
jenny: oh wait...
a magician, flooooating, looooonely, so i'm with him
matt good's last post makes me want to weep and kick something.
Edit: i had to delete half this post because my blog died from photo overdose. please refer to buzznet for more. kthx
:O popsicles! the kind you split in half!
ive had this box of oil pastels since grade one.
and still is pretty unused.
:D this is my faaaavourite
such a kiddie drawing
i heart this hagen daaz ice cream
i wish i still had some left.
my dinner a while ago
late nite amusings with paint
i did this one with a stencil.
look any familiar?
Edit: i had to delete half this post because my blog died from photo overdose. please refer to buzznet for more. kthx
:O popsicles! the kind you split in half!
ive had this box of oil pastels since grade one.
and still is pretty unused.
:D this is my faaaavourite
such a kiddie drawing
i heart this hagen daaz ice cream
i wish i still had some left.
my dinner a while ago
late nite amusings with paint
i did this one with a stencil.
look any familiar?
fat cherries.
yay photos huzzah
i'm so incredibly tired. i think my arm's about to fall off
yay photos huzzah
i'm so incredibly tired. i think my arm's about to fall off
Sunday, July 30, 2006
won't you follow me down to the rose parade?

lovely weather today. i rented Goodbye Lenin so im going to watch that tonite is freakin addictive.
im like a fuckin housewife these days, i think i do 2 loads of laundry and clean the house and wash the dishes every day
im on an Elliott Smith kick so i'm depressed by his songs all over again. he just breaks my annoyingly emo heart
"I'll fake it through the day
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?"
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?"
i... have nothing else. bye

"People generally have strong views about Mr. A Fox. Read on, gentle reader, and hear what I have to say.
Given a choice of having A get on my nerves or having my bicuspids extracted sans Novocaine, I would embrace the pliers, purchase some Polident Partials, and call it a day.
Somebody has to renew those institutions of civil society -- like families, schools, churches, and civic groups -- that let him know, in no uncertain terms, that his lalochezia is downright annoying.
In any case, A knows that performing an occasional act of charity will make some people forgive -- or at least overlook -- all of his grotty excesses.
Let us now take a strong position on Mr. A Fox's shell games, which, after all, tear down everything that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation, because in that is our only hope for the future."
via complaint letter generator
as well as...
english-to-12-year-old-AOLer translator
ha ha ha wow.
btw, i started reading cat's cradle. im on page 16 and its like the best book ever already. well, i'll have to see, but my first impressions about books/movies are usually right.
i have the worst sore throat at the moment. i dunno why. maybe i should get some sleep. last nite i fell asleep at 5 in the freakin morning. ha
tomorrow is the last day of july which SCARES THE CRAP OUT OF ME because the summer is whizzing by in a snap. omfg. such insanity!
... sometimes i act so old.
fuck, i just remembered i've left a sinkful of dirty dishes from dinner. i hate dishwashing bleearrgghgggggggggg.
shitloads of photos to come later when i feel less lazy.
i watched spellbound on tv today. its a documentary that follows eight teens/kids who participate in the annual US national spelling bee and their lives that revolve around it. one part made me burst into tears, it wasnt really sad-crying, more like an upset outburst. the tears go away as quickly as they come.
the part that really got me was the whole part about this girl Angela. her dad tried over and over to illegally immigrate to the us from mexico and now the family was living in texas, and her dad had a labourous job working in a cattle ranch. he cant speak a word of english even tho he's lived there for 20, 25 years.
the texan town was a shitty run-down community with one theatre and like a total of 40 kids in school. it was just unfair to see Angela, who is so goddamn smart and all, winning regional spelling bees, live in a miserable shithole full of bimbos. and she's so frigging ugly and poor but doesnt lose hope and her brightness is all going to waste.
anyway. it was emotional for me for like 3 seconds. the documentary in general was great, i think, there isnt any amazing footage or profundity to it, i liked the creative topic and it was interesting to see where these geeky contestant kids come from. apparently its recieved an oscar nomination and a whole lotta other awards.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
ps. dare, you have a shitload of reading to do, ie your 3 weeks worth of emails. i estimate a total of 28 emails from me/denise/lara/roxy. TELL ME HOW MANY YOU GET OKAY!
pps. I GOT YOUR POSTCARD! hooray.
ppps. dare, you must make a neopets account right away. it's all the rage right now. lara and i are already being awesomely uncool by playing games like dice a roo. do it! plus add me as your neofriend if you do it.

i did about 8 "paintings" today and i only really like 1.5 of them, maybe i will take photos of it later and upload them.
im running low on sketchbook pages which annoys me like hell because they always run out when i'm on an artsy kick.
i ate a hagen daaz ice cream while drawing an "underwater creatures" picture with oil pastels. helllooooooo total childhood deja vu much? i'm re-hashing all my artsy material from when i was four and five. plus i did the thing where you draw with oil pastels and you paint over it with watercolours, like WOAH i havent done something like that in a long time.
i bought jPod finally but my sister is hogginghogginghogging it so i won't see it for a while. she's totally into the whole douglas coupland thing ever since a few days ago when she finished reading Hey Nostradamus! i only own four books of his and shes gonna read them all.
in excruciatingly exciting news, i tidied up the living room area today, and holy shit the coffee table was holding 49 books FOURTY NINE i am not kidding. i piled them into a huge stack and then put them away in the appropriate shelves but its no use because we go thru like 10 books a day and never put them back in the right place. d'oh.
so this is what they call another endless nite

yesterday nite we drove to go swimming again because my sister had a lesson at the ubc pool at 8 30pm. we were late, and the car was running very low out of gas, so my mom and i dropped off my sister and then had to drive all the freakin way out of the ubc campus (a full 5 minute drive), just to find a gas station.
when we got there my mom had forgotten her credit card, so she got $10 worth of gas, which is barely anything. then we drove all the way back to the ubc pool AGAIN. by that time i was so pissed that we'd wasted gas and time for nothing. it was so unbearable to me at the time that i wanted to kick something. i bitched at my mom about having a fucking SUV that guzzles up gas in a snap.
in a year, the lease on the car ends, and then i'm going to fucking BAN my mother from getting SUV. not that she needs it, she hates it as much as i do, we were too stupid and environmentally ignorant when we got the car whatever years ago.
i was incredibly angry, when we got to the pool i just sat on the outdoor bench and took a crappy nap for half an hour. i have a weird temper.
when i woke there were all these parents from the swim team obsessing over race times and gossiping with others i wanted to throw up. then one of them came to me, knowing who i was, and proceeded right away to talk about postsecondary education - GAHHHHHHHHHGLDSJF.
one more adult who discusses university shit with me, i will willingly FUCKING SHOOT IN THEIR FACE.
anyway most of the swimteam parents were being barfably disgusting and phony with the coaches and other parents and boasting about their kids and gossiping about others' and bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda same old stupid shitty dramatic story that seems to be going on foreverandeverandeverandever. fucking shut up, people.
when everything was over the coaches came out and talked to the parents etc and everyone glued themselves to ben the hot friendly coach and it was phony time once again and i was the village leper in the background, trying not to die from rolling my eyes.
k bye.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
park that car, drop that phone, sleep on the floor, dream about me
i did some paintings with my watercolour pencil crayons and dry, brittle paint blocks from grade 4. hahaha. i say paintings but they're only random experiments.
TOTALLY COLOURFUL. yay and stuff.
i'm just coming here to come down
i couldn't fall asleep last nite because it was so goddamn hot in the house. i read the catcher in the rye for about an hour and fell asleep on the couch at 4 30am. ugggh.
i woke up abruptly from my dream this morning to find a single tear rolling down my face. again. the crying is totally involuntary, it just happens, like WTF.
in my dream my sister kept saying "i'm so depressed, i'm so depressed," over and over and she really did seem so too. i was in her band class and then braverman taught me how to play some crazy shit and then the next moment, it was my sister's funeral because apparently my sister had drowned herself.
thats when i woke and i was kind of scared shitless.
i made myself a perfect sunny side up egg for breakfast and even ate the yolk.
i dunno, i was trying to cheer myself up.
it must have been the catcher in the rye that made me have such a dream. ehh.
i woke up abruptly from my dream this morning to find a single tear rolling down my face. again. the crying is totally involuntary, it just happens, like WTF.
in my dream my sister kept saying "i'm so depressed, i'm so depressed," over and over and she really did seem so too. i was in her band class and then braverman taught me how to play some crazy shit and then the next moment, it was my sister's funeral because apparently my sister had drowned herself.
thats when i woke and i was kind of scared shitless.
i made myself a perfect sunny side up egg for breakfast and even ate the yolk.
i dunno, i was trying to cheer myself up.
it must have been the catcher in the rye that made me have such a dream. ehh.
ok, i lied. i loooove tapes n tapes. im listening to their album again right now.
anyway i went out for breakfast/brunch with lara and denise this morning. we had crepes, mmmmm. i had a fat breakfast, a dark chocolate/hazelnut crepe. it was yummy. i havent had a crepe since we went there for french class, which was like in april...
while at cafe crepe, we started playing cards (totally random) because lara had a deck and she'd just learned a new game called Egyptian Ratscrew, bahahahaha. we played hearts as well which was fun, considering i generally suck at card games and hardly know which is a spade a which a club. the waitress was totally wanting to kick us out of the restaurant because we were prob being a lil too loud and random... we left a huge tip. ha
denise went to work after breakfast, so i went to lara's house and we spent the time doing extremely pointless and mindless fun games (ie cards and SU-FUCKIN-DOKU). PEOPLE, i played sudoku! this is a monumental day in history.
then we ate tomatoes with pepper and we were eating carrot stix and we found two mutated ones which looked like wishbones. bizarre.
we played neopets on her kitchen laptop. i am not joking:
lara: is there still the giant omelette?
ok i'll set aside my geeknerdom and just post this stupid thing before i get any weirder
my flickr account is updated, doods
EDIT: flickr is different from buzznet because you can get differently-sized photos, including wallpaper-sized, on flickr, while you can't do that on buzznet (buzznet photos are maximum 500 pixels wide). So generally, only nice photos go on flickr while almost EVERYTHING goes to buzznet because it allows me to post 200 photos per month. with flickr, usually less than 100.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

this morning when i woke, the first thing i did was turn on the clock radio on 99.3 the fox. i havent listened to the radio in aaaaaaaaages. anyway, an acoustic version of incubus's "pardon me" was playing and i nearly died in nostalgia. right then i wanted to stop giving a fuck about indie whatnots and go back listening to old radio rock like i used to when i was like 13, 14. it was like, who gives a fuck about most serene republic and tapes n tapes, anyway? i lay there on my bed just listening to that for a while.
similarly, at midnite, i was watching MuchMoreRetro (where they play "retro" music videos) and WOAH they played weezer's "the sweater song" and red hot chili peppers' "under the bridge" and it kind of made me feel old coz since when are weezer and the chili peppers RETRO?!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Global Personality Test Results |
Stability (26%) low which suggests you are very worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious. Orderliness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun. Extraversion (50%) medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being assertive and social and being withdrawn and solitary. |
personality tests by
apparently i am:
altruistic, neat freak, organized, worrying, phobic, fears the unknown, irritable, pessimistic, emotionally sensitive, fears chaos, risk averse, fragile, unadventurous, depressed, frequently second guesses self, likes to fit in, does not like to stand out, perfectionist, hard working, does not like to be alone, clingy, dependent, practical, ordinary, cautious, takes precautions, good at saving money, suspicious, heart over mind, busy
it would sound somewhat accurate... if everything i am was exaggerated by far.
overly organized indeed.
if you've been following stereogum's recent POOR PASSWORD incident... this might make you laugh:

*dies laughing*
/indie geek
ANYWAY, its boiling hot in and out, and i think the air itself is sweating. its icky. bleeargh.
there are still like THIS MANY PHOTOS LEFT but i'll deal with them laterrr.
lara got a postcard from dara (who is in ontario right now). exciting! i wonder when i'm gonna get mine.
i realized today that if i sent a postcard to vancouver from seoul, korea, it would probably be delivered after i returned to vancouver. ehhh, booo.
ANYWAY, its boiling hot in and out, and i think the air itself is sweating. its icky. bleeargh.
it looks like the skytoast is being skimpily buttered with clouds
jam packed beach
denise & me
lara & me
denise has her "denise bag"
we went to starbucks.
if you already couldnt tell from the green straws
lara was totally making fun of denise's cool ass hot pink phone,
the RAZR.
lara must have been jealous because shortly after
this photo was taken, the phone was
flung violently across the table.
shiny happy people
lara took this picture
denise cracking up at something lara said. i dunno.
those bangs look menacing, neese
i adore this poster so i tried to steal one but they didn't like me :(
walking on broadway
lara said: "i KNEW you'd take a picture of it. it's so jen."
(or something to that effect).
dude, i needs me some real cream.
it looks like the skytoast is being skimpily buttered with clouds
jam packed beach
denise & me
lara & me
denise has her "denise bag"
we went to starbucks.
if you already couldnt tell from the green straws
lara was totally making fun of denise's cool ass hot pink phone,
the RAZR.
lara must have been jealous because shortly after
this photo was taken, the phone was
flung violently across the table.
shiny happy people
lara took this picture
denise cracking up at something lara said. i dunno.
those bangs look menacing, neese
i adore this poster so i tried to steal one but they didn't like me :(
walking on broadway
lara said: "i KNEW you'd take a picture of it. it's so jen."
(or something to that effect).
dude, i needs me some real cream.
there are still like THIS MANY PHOTOS LEFT but i'll deal with them laterrr.
lara got a postcard from dara (who is in ontario right now). exciting! i wonder when i'm gonna get mine.
i realized today that if i sent a postcard to vancouver from seoul, korea, it would probably be delivered after i returned to vancouver. ehhh, booo.
Monday, July 24, 2006
"It's five o'clock and I can't sleep again."

With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything is far away. Everything and everyone is a copy of a copy of a copy.
I am Jack's Wasted Life.
- fight club
ps. this is totally irrelevant but i saw Nizlopi on MTVcanada. why the fuck are their daily interviews so much more pointful compared to MuchMusic's??!?!
pps. i guess muchmusic plays actual music videos. thats got to count for something.
ppps. but MTV LIVE is like muchmusic's 'the new music', except its EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR AN HOUR and not ONCE A FREAKING WEEK.
pppps. i have no idea what i'm talking about. no, actually what i meant was that you have no idea what i'm talking about.
k bye
the other day i was rummaging through some file
cabinets to look for binder dividers or whatnot...
and found this long-untouched brown envelope instead,
with my name on it.
dun dun dun.
oil crayon/pastel drawing #1.
in the right corner, it's apparently titled
"the person and the ocean and the ball".
apple trees, probably
this drawing cracks me up.
a mermaid and lots of bubbles and horse-sea.
clearly inspired by The Little Mermaid. duh.
big hand, little hand.
bahahah. look at the meticulously circled rainbow right in the centre.
fire engine!
a tall burning building spews out black ugly smoke!
i probably did this one when i was older, maybe 5 years old.
i actually remember drawing this one, because there
was a huge fire/collapse of this department store
building in the city, and it was a big significant deal for a while.
the preschool taught us about the whole event and
made us write letters to fire fighters and stuff like that.
also, the department store building was
distinctly purple. like in the drawing.
i dont know if it's a coincidence or something,
but about 2 years later we moved practically next door to
where the department store used to be, in an apartment complex.
the department store was still a burnt uncleaned
mess of debris when we moved in then.
this one is so aptly titled "the ball and the skirt".
airplanes and rainbow and preschool
ahahaha i was such an artiste.
after that walk down memory lane, i dug up some more shit,
ie scrapbooks from grade six/seven.
this stuff is in english because its my middle school years in canada
i need to get rid of all this sentimental junk... gahh.
wow, disneyland. woop de doo
cabinets to look for binder dividers or whatnot...
and found this long-untouched brown envelope instead,
with my name on it.
dun dun dun.
oil crayon/pastel drawing #1.
in the right corner, it's apparently titled
"the person and the ocean and the ball".
apple trees, probably
this drawing cracks me up.
a mermaid and lots of bubbles and horse-sea.
clearly inspired by The Little Mermaid. duh.
big hand, little hand.
bahahah. look at the meticulously circled rainbow right in the centre.
fire engine!
a tall burning building spews out black ugly smoke!
i probably did this one when i was older, maybe 5 years old.
i actually remember drawing this one, because there
was a huge fire/collapse of this department store
building in the city, and it was a big significant deal for a while.
the preschool taught us about the whole event and
made us write letters to fire fighters and stuff like that.
also, the department store building was
distinctly purple. like in the drawing.
i dont know if it's a coincidence or something,
but about 2 years later we moved practically next door to
where the department store used to be, in an apartment complex.
the department store was still a burnt uncleaned
mess of debris when we moved in then.
this one is so aptly titled "the ball and the skirt".
airplanes and rainbow and preschool
ahahaha i was such an artiste.
after that walk down memory lane, i dug up some more shit,
ie scrapbooks from grade six/seven.
this stuff is in english because its my middle school years in canada
i need to get rid of all this sentimental junk... gahh.
wow, disneyland. woop de doo
i nearly died of laughter when i saw this.
this is like a report we did in grade 7 for our class novel, harry potter
i drew a frigging cover.
plus a drawing i did for the scrapbook
i was a goth bride thingy in grade 7 halloween
uhh yeeeeaaah.
have you heard of the folk tale bluebeard?
it used to be my favourite book everr.
i have like 200 more photos to go thru.. ehh.
i had sushi for dinner. im kind of hungry and i should go to bed before i get any more insane from my bad bad sleeping habits
Sunday, July 23, 2006

i have vivid and extremely varied dreams daily now.
two nites ago, i dreamt of george stombolopdafsdpsdfkslqqw.
last nite i dreamt of this BIZZZARRE world, which was an amalgation of neopets crap and movie stills and harry potter's VOLDEMORT. so incredibly weird. voldemort was an evil monster who could destory the world in one snap. plus i dreamt that i went to a Tom Waits concert.
i thought i told you, this world is not for you

bahahahahaha. my friend wrote this. (edit: the friend is a guy, not a girl.)
i thot it was hilarious. read it.
So what would happen if suddenly, magically, men could menstruate and women could not? Menstruation would become an enviable, boast-worthy, masculine event. Men would brag about how long, and how much. Boys would talk about it as the envied beginning of manhood. Gifts, religious ceremonies, family dinners, and stag parties would mark the day.
To prevent monthly work loss among the powerful, Congress would fund a National Institute of Dysmenorrhea. Doctors would research little about heart attacks, from which men were hormonally protected, but everything about cramps. Sanitary supplies would be federally funded and free. Of course, some men would still pay for the prestige of some commercial brands such as Paul Newman Tampons, Muhammad Ali's Rope-a-Dope Pads, John Wayne Maxi-Pads, Joe Namath Jock shields--"For those light bachelor Days."
Statistical surveys would show that men did better in sports and won more Olympic medals during their periods. Generals, right-wing politicians, and religious fundamentalists would cite menstruation ("men-struation") as proof that only men could serve God and country in combat. ("You have to give blood to take blood".), occupy high political offices ("Can women be properly fierce without a monthly cycle governed by the planet Mars?"), be priests, ministers, God Himself ("He gave his blood for our sins"), or rabbis ("Without a monthly purge of impurities, women are unclean"). Male liberals or radicals, however, would insist that women are equal, just different; and that any woman could join if only she were willing to recognize the primacy of menstrual rights ("Everything else is a single issue") or self inflict a major wound every month ("You MUST give blood for the revolution.").
Street guys would invent slang ("He's a three-pad man") and give "high-fives" on the corner with some exchange like, "Man, you, lookin' good!" "Yeah, man I'm on the rag." TV shows would treat the subject openly. (Hill Street Blues: The whole precinct hits the same cycle.) So would newspapers, (SUMMER SHARK SCARE THREATENS MENSTRUATING MEN; JUDGE CITES MONTHLIES IN PARDONING RAPIST.) And so would movies. Newman and Redford in 'Blood Brothers'. Men would convince women that sex was more pleasurable at "that time of the month." Lesbians would be said to fear blood and therefore life itself, though all they needed was a good menstruating man. Medical schools would limit women's entry ("They might faint at the sight of blood."). Of course intellectuals would offer the most moral and logical arguments. Without that biological gift for measuring the cycles of the moon and planets, how could a woman master any discipline that demanded a sense of time, space, mathematics--or the ability to measure anything at all? Liberal males would try to be kind. The fact that "these people" have no gift for measuring life, the liberals would explain, should be punishment enough.
Haha. Fuck feminists.

yes my blog is totally not updated right now but my sister stole my camera and i have dozens of photos from the beach to post. im kind of in loopyland. oh btw i watched Amelie again yesterday and it was amazing times infinity.
Friday, July 21, 2006
could i watch you next time you apply your eyeliner?

i watched "thumbsucker" and enjoyed it a lot, although keanu reeves irked me greatly. the movie is more "pointful" and less quirky than garden state, although they're both coming-of-age stories. the actor (lou pucci) who played the main guy was pretty good. it also has a soundtrack solely by the polyphonic spree and elliott smith, which won me over right away... ha.
in other news, it's so hot right now i think the air itself will boil over. it's certainly that humid. im drenched. there's not much to do when it's this hot, so i put on the strokes cd super loud and sat back. then we put on avril lavigne (!!!) and then some death from above 1979. the last was not such a good idea because it made me sweat buckets like im in a concert moshpit. plus, the gnarly bass lines and all the screaming get me all hyper.
i'm going to the beach tomorrow which will be fitting as the weather is going to be hellish hot.
ps. stereogum is apparently hacked. this sucks because that's usually the first blog i check, along with hundreds of thousands of other people, im sure... i wonder what weirdo idiots did this. i hope it goes back on soon. ehh.
im unbelievably tired from last nite's swimming. i woke up several times during the nite but i couldn't get out of bed until 11. eeee.
its so sunshiney outside. im boiling here in the apartment even with the fan on.
my blog is the geekiest nerdblog these days. ha ha ha
Bored to death, trapped inside the hot, scary underground and i have a tomato in the fridge. No food left in the house except for that fat red juicy goodygoody fresh tomato, and i am dying to eat it.
its so sunshiney outside. im boiling here in the apartment even with the fan on.
my blog is the geekiest nerdblog these days. ha ha ha
Bored to death, trapped inside the hot, scary underground and i have a tomato in the fridge. No food left in the house except for that fat red juicy goodygoody fresh tomato, and i am dying to eat it.

went swimming again in the outdoor pool. when im swimming there at nite it feels like i have all the time in the world to relax under the stars. the pool is like a glittering aquamarine.
it reminds me of that part in garden state where all the young people are being stupid and retarded and screaming while playing in the pool. cause thats how it mostly is at nite.
it's already 3 weeks into july and it seems like the summer is whizzing by so quickly. i cant ever catch up with time.
Thursday, July 20, 2006

i went downtown with denise to watch the Pirates of the Carribean. it was pretty strung-out and looooong, the way LOTR is stretched - a bunch of fighting stuff happening that kind of goes over your head after a while. it was pretty good, though, if not a little too grandiose. they cut ended the movie with strategic timing, so now i'm kind of looking forward to the next Pirates movie.
i bought the strokes' room on fire and pulp's different class while we were in charlie's used cd shop. now i can bop my head and sing along to "1251" in the car while listening to the cd, yay fuuuuuuuuunn.
i just saw denise but i miss her already.
i had a helluva weird dream last nite about my aunt (my mom's sister) killing my mom. there were a lot of sparkly pieces of glass from the shattered car windows and i sat on some of them and there were bloody dots on my legs. and my sister sat in the drivers' seat but i handled the steering wheel and drove like a maniac, trying to run away from i-dont-know-what.
another one...
we look like such dorks.
i guess i cant really say that because im not in the photo.
... i wonder if we'll look as nerdy as we do in these if we take another snapshot this september, one full year later. i don't know if mentally changing/growing shows on the outside. i can't really tell.
gosh we're in grade twelve. fucking BIZARRE.
my blog has been full of positive extremities the last month or so and i'm sad that when september comes, i'll have to see people i hate and obsess about school shit in general. cue cynical jenny's rants about ian & his lovely outdoorsy buddy here! it's going to turn ugly. hahaha wow.
... i really need to come up with fake names for everybody in my goddamn class so i dont get found out every once in a while and be forced to delete the blog and flee to a different one.
i can't believe that the only thing i'd possibly be looking forward to in the new schoolyear would be History 12 and Photo 12. the mini is kind of torn up in pieces and barfy.
beginning of the grade 11 schoolyear
(september 8, 2005)
(september 8, 2005)
we look like such dorks.
i guess i cant really say that because im not in the photo.
... i wonder if we'll look as nerdy as we do in these if we take another snapshot this september, one full year later. i don't know if mentally changing/growing shows on the outside. i can't really tell.
gosh we're in grade twelve. fucking BIZARRE.
my blog has been full of positive extremities the last month or so and i'm sad that when september comes, i'll have to see people i hate and obsess about school shit in general. cue cynical jenny's rants about ian & his lovely outdoorsy buddy here! it's going to turn ugly. hahaha wow.
... i really need to come up with fake names for everybody in my goddamn class so i dont get found out every once in a while and be forced to delete the blog and flee to a different one.
i can't believe that the only thing i'd possibly be looking forward to in the new schoolyear would be History 12 and Photo 12. the mini is kind of torn up in pieces and barfy.
scanned photos galore! im photoshopping them... wheeee.
i wish i could post a billion at once, but photoshopping them takes practically forever. i approve these so far:
i wish i could post a billion at once, but photoshopping them takes practically forever. i approve these so far:
this photo of Ally was taken during the first week of school in grade 11.
in the background is our beloved Mini School hill.
... that almost makes me want to cry
because i have to leave it next year. ......
photo of Dara (and Lara) taken on the same day
this is prob my favourite photo of dara out of the hundreds i have.
taken on march 5, 2005 (wow grade 10)
Denise and i were in the park and we played on the swingset
while waiting to kill some time before going to the
movies or something. it was playground nostalgia.
denise is holding a twig of sakura (cherry blossom) flowers.
and i added a pink tint to an old photo i posted a while ago:
taken in Granville Island
in the background is our beloved Mini School hill.
... that almost makes me want to cry
because i have to leave it next year. ......
photo of Dara (and Lara) taken on the same day
this is prob my favourite photo of dara out of the hundreds i have.
taken on march 5, 2005 (wow grade 10)
Denise and i were in the park and we played on the swingset
while waiting to kill some time before going to the
movies or something. it was playground nostalgia.
denise is holding a twig of sakura (cherry blossom) flowers.
and i added a pink tint to an old photo i posted a while ago:
taken in Granville Island
ahhh i dont want this to turn into a photoblog.
anyway i updated my long-forgotten deviantART account, so you can check that if you want bigger versions of the above photos.
i have shitloads of photos to upload but i'm so lazy i will do that later.
anyway i updated my long-forgotten deviantART account, so you can check that if you want bigger versions of the above photos.
i have shitloads of photos to upload but i'm so lazy i will do that later.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
photoshop makes my head and eyeballs hurt. bwah
my sister has a newfound addiction to CSI and i can't stop watching it when i'm around despite its extreme cheesiness.
a nice tidy list of albums i have been listening to as of late: (idea stolen from peter)

Thom Yorke - The Eraser

Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat

Feist - Open Season

The Juliana Theory - Emotion Is Dead

Bikini Kill - Best Of
uh yeah i dont own any of the above. ahahaha.
my sister has a newfound addiction to CSI and i can't stop watching it when i'm around despite its extreme cheesiness.
a nice tidy list of albums i have been listening to as of late: (idea stolen from peter)

Thom Yorke - The Eraser

Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat

Feist - Open Season

The Juliana Theory - Emotion Is Dead

Bikini Kill - Best Of
uh yeah i dont own any of the above. ahahaha.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
i need $$$.
i read one of my sister's konigsburg books for 3 hours then had a huge nap. its hot and humid in the house because all the sunlight is streaming in through the windows, even with the blinds all closed. ahhhhhh.
"we're bikini kill, and we want revoluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuution!
Monday, July 17, 2006

explodingdog hasn't updated in like a month. !!!!!!! madness.
im drinking a lot of green tea. green tea isnt really green unless you have the really expensive genuine japanese kind that you save for your guests. the green tea im drinking right now is like murky tan colour. mmmmmmm teaaaa.
the family hamster is getting really fat, it looks like a furry ball. i want to give it away before it dies because it will be too depressing when that happens.
i dont really know what i want to be when i "grow up". its kind of driving me mad.
remember lunchables? they were like THE thing during grades 4 & 5. it was hilarious kind of because lunchables are disgusting and we all wanted wanted wanted it.
... i have no idea why lunchables popped into my mind.
jigsaw jazz and the get fresh glow

ive been on myspace for a while today because i was looking up all these bands that i am clueless about that i possibly need to research ummm ya what? myspace is like a black hole. it sucks me up and when it spits me back out, i feel totally dazed and I HAVE TOTALLY LOST THE SENSE OF TIME.
i guess i dont really see the point of my blog during the summer. i have nothing to write about or i'm outside or im reading. ha. more accurately, i have nothing to complain about and nothing to procrastinate my hours away
my blog is my complaining tool. and im good at using it towards that aim
i watched the corporation again last nite and i got the book version by joel bakan out of the library so i'm reading that and a lot of adbusters. i forget when the subscription runs out. thanks lara!
i am so incredibly excited for my trip to korea it's not even funny. im going to act like a fucking tourist once i get there prob hahahahah. we technically have 10 days of vacation but really, its actually only a week if you minus the date change crap plus the fucking sixteen hour flight. ugh!!!!
havent gone cd shopping in like a month. i wonder how many gigabytes of music i have on this computer. like, bazillions. the fiery furnaces is my new favourite band because they're crazy. i dunno. i feel like i have ADD.
my blog is my complaining tool. and im good at using it towards that aim
i watched the corporation again last nite and i got the book version by joel bakan out of the library so i'm reading that and a lot of adbusters. i forget when the subscription runs out. thanks lara!
i am so incredibly excited for my trip to korea it's not even funny. im going to act like a fucking tourist once i get there prob hahahahah. we technically have 10 days of vacation but really, its actually only a week if you minus the date change crap plus the fucking sixteen hour flight. ugh!!!!
havent gone cd shopping in like a month. i wonder how many gigabytes of music i have on this computer. like, bazillions. the fiery furnaces is my new favourite band because they're crazy. i dunno. i feel like i have ADD.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
did you know that britney spears' little sister stars in some inane, perky tween tv show? ummm ew. it's the worst piece of shit on tv.speaking of tv, my sister and i watched treehouse channel [dubbed "Children's television aimed at those under the age of six"] for half an hour for this show called TOY CASTLE [above photo]. there are ballerinas and ragdolls and clowns and toy soldiers in rainbow costumes and scary makeup. it was awesome. bahahahah. it was entertaining, unlike most other crap on tv. seriously.
oh yeah i watched donnie darko a while ago. it was ... interesting. i dunno what to think of it because it wasnt as good as i thought it would be. or maybe i just dont "get" vague psyche/sci-fi movies. ehhh. i didn't love eternal sunshine of the spotless mind either although i can see how people call them brilliant.
i had a total pointless day. blargh
i watched saved!. it was pretty hilarious. it reminded me of hey nostradamus a lot, like the pre-shooting cheryl/jason stuff. just a tad bit far fetched to be realistic but all good. which reminds me, i saw doug coupland on mtv today. uh huh...
You scored as atheism. You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with |
ehh. the results change pretty much every time i take it.
Saturday, July 15, 2006

i watched sixteen candles. i like quirky 80s teen movies. classic. the plot/characters are more or less generic and cheesey but i love it anyway. the acting and script is pretty bad in some parts but that's just how it is.
i cant believe that it's july 14 already... this summer has by far gone the quickest, at least up to now. it's weird. it feels like i have so much do to before the summer ends.
ATTENTION DENISE: john mayer is coming to vancouver ... with sheryl crow... in the pacific coleseum. ewwwww. i can already imagine who'll be going to that concert... this reminds me of that time andrew played john mayer songs on his guitar, btw.
on a more zach braff-obsessed note, he has put together the soundtrack for his upcoming movie, The Last Kiss, in which the tracklist goes: [via stereogum]
1. "Chocolate" - Snow Patrol
2. "Star Mile" - Joshua Radin
3. "Pain Killer" - Turin Brakes
4. "Warning Sign" - Coldplay
5. "Ride" - Cary Brothers
6. "El Salvador" - Athlete
7. "Hide And Seek" - Imogen Heap
8. "Reason Why" - Rachael Yamagata
9. "Hold You In My Arms" - Ray LaMontagne
10. "Prophecy" - Remy Zero
11. "Paper Bag" - Fiona Apple
12. "Today's The Day" - Aimee Mann
13. "Arms of a Woman" - Amos Lee
14. "Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk (Reprise)" - Rufus Wainwright
15. "Paperweight" - Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk
i'm not particularly thrilled by any of them but rufus wainwright is always nice. and i like the fiona apple song.
also: uncut's 100 greatest debut albums.
... except arcade fire's "funeral" isn't a debut album. oh and how the frig did the arctic monkeys (#36) get a higher ranking than pavement (#73), pearl freaking jam (#81), and jeff buckley (#45)? haaaa. also, i thought the sex pistols (#19) should have been higher, but whatever. it's a random list.
Friday, July 14, 2006
on our way to squamish last weekend.
oh yeah... i have to write that guest blog post for peter
.......................... i guess i'll do that now. or mebbe tomorrow.....
ANYWAY. today i kind of leafed through my graduation portfolio, and to my horror, realized i still have about two gazillion assignments to do for next year. ewww. maybe i'll get those bullshit assignments done in the summer. ha ha, who am i kidding.
i went swimming again and AHHHH i think i die every time i see Ben because i want him. umm yeah. wait, what?
this weekend is the vancouver-hosted swim meet and my sister is being consumed and eaten by her rigid practice schedules. man. our family is now a purchaser of sophisticated sports energy bars. i don't think i've ever thought we would become one of those crazy pricks.
pictures from squamish:
this was like, 4 15 in the morning.
uh huh...
we stepped outside and saw... SPRINKLERS
holyshit too much fun.

we played this game of throwing shoes with the shoots of water.
needless to say, we got pretty drenched.
this is the closest i've been to being on a train. aw.
we waved to them like maniacs, though.
some dude waved back and looked amused.
Thursday, July 13, 2006

ugggggggh. fuckshitdamn im angry
roxy sounds like shes having way too much fun in quebec. i think i'd like to stab something into a bloody gory mess. la la la la
!!!!!!!!!! RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i sorta have been listening to an unhealthy dose of Mandy Moore songs AND I LOVE IT AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
btw, fucking buzznet fucked up on me today, so i'll have to upload my bajilion photos when i have more patience.
i should get the procrastinator of the century award, i think.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

went to the day 2 of journalism workshop thing again. we were learning about reviewing/interviewing. ummm and out of nowhere:
teacher dude: okay, so now that we have gone over some of this stuff, you guys are each going to interview our special guest journalist, mr. josh so-and-so, and write an outline of your article blah blah blah
me: oh god.
i was kind of nervous because im weird like that. accomplished people are intimidating. um. this dude had his first published article when he was in high school and now he does something for american idol?
it wasnt as bad as i thought afterwards, but it freaked me for a good while.
today, its raining like crazy and it's really kind of cold too. i was shivering all day even though i was wearing jeans and actual shoes (not flip flops) for the first time this summer. i kind of like the coldness because we can leave the windows closed (which means quiet) and not die of heat.

in went to my lil journalism workshop thingamabob today and now i want to become one more than ever. i'll spare you the numblingly boring details, but it was kind of overwhelming and exciting to hear stuff from the successful journalists who were talking to us, etc.
oh. by the way, its really weird to meet somebody you've seen around on myspace. hahaha.
at lunch the strangest thing ever happened. i had lunch with these two blonde anorexic girls who listen to dashboard confessional. i have no idea why they wanted me to eat with them. ummm yeah. it was bizarre.
... i just completely put those girls into slots in a snap. i think i like stereotypes a leeetle too much. i need to stop pigeonholing people way too quickly. ha, yeah right.
i think im going to prob write for this crappy newspaper/magazine thingamabobber dealie and etc, as much as i lovehate the goddamned newspaper. btw dude, i met the girl who interviewed raine maida [above] in the newspaper and i was like :O JEALOUS MUCH.
ya ok bye. im not making much sense, plus i need to wake up early and shit.
i watched the corporation for the first time. it's an exceptional documentary that everyfreakingbody should watch. the film covered kind of the "history" of this human invention, the corporation, and listed and reviewed these frightening and disturbing things that resulted from the big corporations in capitalism.
the movie was just under 2.5 hours. actually, the directors, who gathered videotapes of interviews with important people and archival tapes, collected over 450 hours of footage, explaining the detailed gruesome results of the corporation in dozens of anecdotes, that eventually had to be chiseled into a movie length. those anecdotes will probably be never heard again after somebody finishes watching the "disc 2 bonus material" that comes with the dvd. plain creepy.
it was amazing to hear these real-life stories from journalists who were bribed and threatened so that they would keep silent about a harmful chemical being used by a company, etc. just crazy stuff. it's like the stuff you'd never really picture happening.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
another reminder to check out loose change, an in-depth (and controversial) documentary on 9/11, if you already haven't. this is the same documentary that tony and peter have mentioned in their blogs in the past. the movie's gotten a new website so i thought i'd mention it again.
the documentary will blow your mind or at least make you a bit skeptical of how things are portrayed right now. the research and the evidence is quite exceptional, so do watch the film or at least look at the evidence they've pulled out on their website, but take everything with a grain of salt.

i got back from my whatchamacallit. trip. it was tiring but fun and i was in a super good mood most of the time, i wasnt even outwardly cynical one bit, nope, honest. i was such a nice/thotful person the last two days, i cant really believe that was me. i took about twenty gazillion shitty photos, those will have to come later.
i finished reading fight club. what an intense book. i didnt really figure things out until more than halfway through the book, but after that i couldn't put it down and my mind was pretty much immobilized. um. it's one of the scariest and creepiest books ive ever read.
i managed to watch the second half and extra time bits of the world cup finals. woaaah. eventful and controversial. mmhmmm. i have sympathy for the french coz they've had pretty much zero luck this year.
i had a vivid dream last nite about christmastime. this was my third time waking up from my dream to find myself sniffing and in tears. kind of weird.
i have to wake up at eight in the morning so i can be all go-getter-like and attend frigging workshops on writing. it seemed like a good productive idea when i signed up for it, but right now im too tired to even think about it. ehhh. i'll have to meet all sorts of journalism type kids who are just like me. this is going to be pretty eww.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
love's an excuse to get hurt, and to hurt, do you like to hurt? i do, i do, then hurt me

:O i got a visit from mcmaster university
*waves to dara*
i guess she really has negative amount of free time.
i've dug up and unearthed some older photos from ... a long time ago, for nostalgia's sake, etc. all my photos are here.
me and ally, grade ten. jeez this seems forever ago.
10 months ago:
we went to some mall and paraded around sports chek.
we were probably loud and obnoxious.
HEY WAIT DENISE this was the day we played
hookie and skipped ymca, i think
we were probably loud and obnoxious.
HEY WAIT DENISE this was the day we played
hookie and skipped ymca, i think
lara with a fedora. (woah that rhymes!)
we went tried on some hats in june 2005.
remember how i used to be obsessed with fedoras?
field trip to the vancouver aquarium with daycamp kiddies
i kind of miss volunteering at the ymca, but then, not really...
i kind of miss volunteering at the ymca, but then, not really...
we have super cool volunteer shirts. haaaa
we had a fat water fight with sponges @ the daycamp
i think ive managed to read all the harry potters in the house. reading hp is kind of like looking through a photo album or something. i guess coz harry grows up in his adolescence kind of. it makes me feel nostalgic. i dunno.
i was looking for something in my closet when i found a box of 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles. my dad and i used to do a shitload of jigsaw puzzles when i was younger and was still living with him. we are (or maybe were) both nuts about puzzles and my mom got so annoyed because those things are very messy. our infatuation with puzzles is pretty much the only thing i have in common with him. eh.
im learning how to use photoshop cs2 out of an instructional library book. so far i've learned how the toolbox works, haaaaaaa. its fun dood. yay and stuff.
i am so awesomely uncool, i went on neopets and played for half an hour. ahahahahah. im serious.

uhh yeah. i dont think this is too normal in a seventeen year old girl. i had time to kill though.
i went swimming again. fun! my sister recoiled at the sight of Ben&Jen, the infamous swimcoach couple.
its 12 55am and i think i might watch the life aquatic with my sister. i'm kinda hungry though. i think we'll eat bagels and stay up all nite or something.

uhh yeah. i dont think this is too normal in a seventeen year old girl. i had time to kill though.
i went swimming again. fun! my sister recoiled at the sight of Ben&Jen, the infamous swimcoach couple.
its 12 55am and i think i might watch the life aquatic with my sister. i'm kinda hungry though. i think we'll eat bagels and stay up all nite or something.
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