went to the day 2 of journalism workshop thing again. we were learning about reviewing/interviewing. ummm and out of nowhere:
teacher dude: okay, so now that we have gone over some of this stuff, you guys are each going to interview our special guest journalist, mr. josh so-and-so, and write an outline of your article blah blah blah
me: oh god.
i was kind of nervous because im weird like that. accomplished people are intimidating. um. this dude had his first published article when he was in high school and now he does something for american idol?
it wasnt as bad as i thought afterwards, but it freaked me for a good while.
today, its raining like crazy and it's really kind of cold too. i was shivering all day even though i was wearing jeans and actual shoes (not flip flops) for the first time this summer. i kind of like the coldness because we can leave the windows closed (which means quiet) and not die of heat.
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