ive been on a total Damien Rice kick the last few days. i've been listening to his album NONFUCKINGSTOP. im sure denise will appreciate it coz im totally late on the Damien Rice bandwagon, phsaw. i get more and more depressed listening to his songs and i can't stop coz depression is addicting like hell or at least fake depression is. roight. of all times i pick sunny summer july to be totally down. huzzah.
on a irrelevant note, im on a total harry potter phase and i read all this shit on jkrowling.com last nite and i am re-reading HP#6 all over again. reading them is as addictive as crack.
i think i will write denise a plane letter for when she comes back to vancouver from hong kong. denise, you will have to print them out (i hope your cousin has a printer there) so you can read it on the plane kkkkkkkkkkkk?
sometimes i think i have the greatest friends ever.
told you hes liek fucking addictive. and good.
I have no idea who damien rice is but roxy told me that she and esther saw a poster for his concert in quebec and its on their free night and they're prolly gonna go....i think its the 19th or smth.
anyways yea.
ps. I agree with you about the brutal honesty.......with you today i was pretty honest but not brutal cuz like.....thats so unnatural...im only brutally honest when i want to shock ppl.
I HEART Damien Rice!!
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