yesterday nite we drove to go swimming again because my sister had a lesson at the ubc pool at 8 30pm. we were late, and the car was running very low out of gas, so my mom and i dropped off my sister and then had to drive all the freakin way out of the ubc campus (a full 5 minute drive), just to find a gas station.
when we got there my mom had forgotten her credit card, so she got $10 worth of gas, which is barely anything. then we drove all the way back to the ubc pool AGAIN. by that time i was so pissed that we'd wasted gas and time for nothing. it was so unbearable to me at the time that i wanted to kick something. i bitched at my mom about having a fucking SUV that guzzles up gas in a snap.
in a year, the lease on the car ends, and then i'm going to fucking BAN my mother from getting SUV. not that she needs it, she hates it as much as i do, we were too stupid and environmentally ignorant when we got the car whatever years ago.
i was incredibly angry, when we got to the pool i just sat on the outdoor bench and took a crappy nap for half an hour. i have a weird temper.
when i woke there were all these parents from the swim team obsessing over race times and gossiping with others i wanted to throw up. then one of them came to me, knowing who i was, and proceeded right away to talk about postsecondary education - GAHHHHHHHHHGLDSJF.
one more adult who discusses university shit with me, i will willingly FUCKING SHOOT IN THEIR FACE.
anyway most of the swimteam parents were being barfably disgusting and phony with the coaches and other parents and boasting about their kids and gossiping about others' and bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda same old stupid shitty dramatic story that seems to be going on foreverandeverandeverandever. fucking shut up, people.
when everything was over the coaches came out and talked to the parents etc and everyone glued themselves to ben the hot friendly coach and it was phony time once again and i was the village leper in the background, trying not to die from rolling my eyes.
k bye.
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