Monday, July 31, 2006


Edit: i had to delete half this post because my blog died from photo overdose. please refer to buzznet for more. kthx

:O popsicles! the kind you split in half!


ive had this box of oil pastels since grade one.
and still is pretty unused.

:D this is my faaaavourite
such a kiddie drawing

i heart this hagen daaz ice cream
i wish i still had some left.

my dinner a while ago

late nite amusings with paint


i did this one with a stencil.

look any familiar?

fat cherries.

yay photos huzzah

i'm so incredibly tired. i think my arm's about to fall off



Susie said...

woah, I thought Raymi made up those crazy two stick ice lollies - I didn't know the really exist.

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love the birdies
even though i HATE birds, literally not figuratively lol.

but, you made them boooootifal. heeee


Raymi Lauren said...

wow popsicale sticks are way longer in real life