lovely weather today. i rented Goodbye Lenin so im going to watch that tonite
youtube.com is freakin addictive.
im like a fuckin housewife these days, i think i do 2 loads of laundry and clean the house and wash the dishes every day
im on an Elliott Smith kick so i'm depressed by his songs all over again. he just breaks my annoyingly emo heart
"I'll fake it through the day
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?"
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?"
i... have nothing else. bye
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