i wrote a blog post last nite at 2:14am but blogger wouldnt let me post it, so im posting it now. this is called
recycling.its 2:14am! omg. its *just* like valentines day. geddit? huh huh huh?
i need sleep i think
my throat has a hole in it and when i drink water it feels very cold.
i cant swallow my vitamin pills because my throats fucking swollen from yelling all nite.
i will have lost my voice by tomorrow morning.
"i loved you gwenievere,
i loved you gwenievere."
i am watching The Hours again cause my mom rented it. too bad i fell asleep in the middle. umm yeeeaaaaahhh. oh god, i wish my submitted poem wins a prize i hope my poem wins a prize i hope my poem wins a fucking prize, i WANT the money prize okay??? plus it was my first rhyming poem that didn't suck completely. only half-suck.
i always dream about having my period. its pretty weird and gross
although not as weird as that dream in which i went to north korea for vacation by helicopter.
and they were shooting us daggers with their eyes
(this is a figurative comment. denise.)
i woke up crying from that dream.
i havent dreamed in a while though
probably because my life is as exhiliating as a worm's, at the moment
shit i have to go volunteering tomorrow.. earlyearlyearly at noon
but i need my coma-sleep, dammit.
im HUNGRY i havent eaten for like 9 hours
why am i still here?
i want a Jones soda cause i want a creepytrue fortune like lara got. "thank your former teacher"
like, dude.
i think thats my most over-repeated said phrase ever
"like, dude."
it looks pretty unintelligent on paper
har har har
i wanna change my name goddamit
am i going to deathcab/franz concert or what?
its so easy to look like a slut.
oh by the way, yes i did find something to wear, for people who asked, thank you. i was going to my most conservative skirt ever but then ditched that idea and wore my oldoldold jeans instead plus this nice green top. uhhh yaghahghghaghahgsdfasdfsdfqr.
TODAY I SAW OLIVIA (of grade 10) TOTALLY EYEING BAR (rachael's bf.)
then denise and i laughed
dude! i want to be a fucking journalist when i grow up
too bad i suck at writing
and whatever else in general
i once said to somebody "id rather be a hotdog vendor than be a doctor" or sumthing like that and she was totally like "ummmm wtf." AGH! can i not weird you out please? i need to be unweird to the point of boring. except boring people are boring and therefore they suck. oh wait am i boring? i think i just burned myself
oh btw for pw people: mr braverman is going to be the featured teacher on the next school newspaper! i have to write an article on mr kinnear leaving. erlack times infinity.
one time i was gonna talk to this dude on the bus who was reading that chuck klosterman book and i was gonna talk to him and i was gonna talk to him and then i thot about what to say cause i wanted to say something like Oh Ive read that book, etc, and then i kept thinking until i realized he got off the bus.
i listened to nevermind today though. also "the bends"
and uhhh some foo fighters
plus a shitload of deathcab once again
i hate how dcfc is connected to the OC, btw.
friggin weird.
vancouver sucks.
no i dont mean that actually its like the best city in the world yadda yadda yadda
its TORONTO that sucks
once i was sitting at a bench in granville island and this girl was sitting and waiting too and she had bright magenta hair and the whole time i wanted to say something except i didnt at the end.
k im sure no one is reading this post by now
i remember when justin and i were still on talking-terms and we used to rave about Chris cornell being God. damnfuck i should have gone to the audioslave concert. he's so weird.
whats a female version name of "thomas"? mebbe i can change my name to something like that. ahahahaha im so hilarious, i know.
today in english class i drew some cartoons and they fucking ruled. i should become a cartoonist. i am too funny ahahahahahahahaha. i would scan it but no one would get it except the people i showed it to. ha ha ha!!!!!!!
hey did you know that i always wanted to be an artist, until when i was about in grade six?
well now you know.
i wanted to be like a painterdude
except, uh, i have no mad original art skillz.
im pouring out my life story here arent i?
its 20 minutes to 3am.
i remember when we used to send e-mails as long as this post. back when we were fucking depressed, exactly a year ago, or something like that
im ____'s best friend.
whenever i go to saturday school there is this couple who always holds hands and i cant stop staring at them.
i dont even talk to matt anymore
this is probably bad.
denise and dara are hiding secrets from me and i dont know what they are.
metric is so fucking overrated at my school now, it pains me
one day i'll write a story about a girl whose family is poor and i'll write how she is someone who doesnt even throw away rubber bands and scrap paper. and how she saves money and "splurging" for her is like spending $12.
meh i cant wait to get out of everything
i need a new life
mostly cause im sick of pretty much everythingggggggg. new new new new new!
i wonder if i will be angry if i accidentally delete this post.
i remember when i first listened to nirvana on pat's cd player, i was blown away. i think i loved pat back then, so i loved nirvana too. how old was i? 12? 13? i dont know.
pfft, fucking thirteen year olds. phsaw.