my face is yellow and my head is bald.
hey wait, im technically yellow. that made actual sense *GASP*
i cry blue tears.
they are fat and uncatchable,
like denise's tears.
no one wants to catch my tears anyway
except maybe dara, cause shes insane.
i think i seriously need to insert some punctuation into my writing
crying is for losers
i think i'll just be pissed and mad at the world instead
too bad im a hypocritical weirdo
yesterday on the bus i saw a teenager guy who looked EXACTLY like a younger version of Anthony Kiedis (of red hot chili peppers), long hair in ponytail and all. i wanted to say something. but what would have i said? i used to think Anthony Kiedis was so hot when i was in grade nine. hot in a sweaty-gross-hot way, like the way Dave Grohl would be hot.
today/yesterday (feb 18) was raine's 37th birthday. woaaaah.
i think i could be perpetually sad cause im lame like that
i have my weirdo jealousy leveling up and down. suzanne and travis are perfect. leave them alone blah blah blah.
im talking in weird codes that i have just invented one second ago.
ever since you have been gone
its all been caffeine-free, faux punk fatigue.
this post has been edited 100000 times.
excuse me jen?
those ARE NOT my songs....i dont have a song but if i did those would not be even close.
damn i wish i had a song.
i would catch your tears :)
we're all hypocritical weirdos, your not alone.
youre right lar, you dont have a song then and i am clearly wrong
*is with lara's point of view*
"dance dance" really isn't my song....
I did have a brief blackcomb stint when I was quite into it, but that was about it.
and jen, if you get offended/angry.. well I can't help that.
im not angry. what the fuck? where do you get these ideas? i wrote in the song names because if i didnt i thought there would be a shenanigan of WAH I DONT HAVE A SONG or YOU FORGOT ABOUT MEs.
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