i have no idea why but im updating my blog although it's fucking 1 26am. aaaanyway. yeah somehow i manage to piss off at least 1 person every dance. my/dara's djing was fantastic, according to what most people said, they really liked the music played (you like me! you really like me!). hooray. i think i'm going to dj every dance when i am in grade 12 because it's sometimes SO much better/more fun than being part of the actual dance... plus i get to choose *actual* music to be played. mmmmhm.
im beginning to think that it's actually the youngest grades who drink the most at dances. they scare me because they're tiny and pale and gulp down shit in bathroom stalls.
there were shitloads of gossipshit that went on in the dance, i cant even remember them all. only one person in our grade cried, though. thats gotta be a record right? meh. there was the usual depression going on (what else is new) and melodrama, plus there were a lot of people sucking face. um. ha ha ha.
im glad people liked my first djing thingy.
i'm so tired. i should sleep, why the fuck am i on the computer?
k i should go sleep.
denise was sad, i felt bad for her.
i enjoyed myself because i didnt stick around too many... people.
i hope people survive the postdance trauma. each dance is soooo stupid but soooo important, its not even funny anymore. la la la.
My buddy is a DJ and he loves doing it. Tonight he's DJing at a party near where i live so im gonna go check it out!
sleep well jenny
haha good times, and only one person crying that is definitely some sort of record.
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