last nite i dreamt that i sawed off my left leg. i did it in martyrdom, i think, but i don't really remember what i was supporting in light of my martyrdom. there werent a lot of blood and gore, and i sliced into bone neatly too. i don't remember being in pain, though. weird. i remember i had a fake leg for the latter part of my dream, and gimped as i walked. like terry fox.
today was pretty pointless but i did well on my band test.
i also wrote an essay as part of the UBC essay competition and it was okay, but not much better. the essay topic alone was 2 pages long.
i had a long conversation with toby before the Essay. that was nice. we listened to sufjan stevens in the student room and talked about music and concerts and the forever-going science/arts debate. ahahaha. she said some funny shit.
tonite i have to study chemistry and physics until i bleed. we have some retarded math assignments. ugg.
1 comment:
i was so psyched earlier because i thought i was going to do the ubc essay, too. then they told me that i didn't sign up in time (to get the block off) and they wouldnt let me write it. :(
and i barely remember reading something about disembodied legs in dreams being symbolic for like... taking a journey in the future, or something equally related like that. it was/is interesting, too.
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