today was a really slow because of the change in schedules and because i was so tired. it was kind of creepy because i fell asleep at my desk and when i woke up a second later, 1.5 hours had passed, apparently.weird.
i re-read the story that i wrote last nite and it's the stupidest thing ive ever read.
school sucks and i have to trudge through each day. ehn. all i seem to do these days is procrastinate and sleep. mmm sleeeeeeeeep. i think february is making people depressed, as if it is their duty to be depressed around february.
i get jealous way too easily. jesus christ.
my math teacher was picking on me the whole class. wtf, since when do teachers pay attention to me? i am used to being invisible and nameless (or wrongly named. ha.) uhhh, righto.
i think lara or somebody said 'things are so slow to change' and right now i think thats the case. ahhhh somebody rescue me from this monotony of stupidity. please.
also, people i dont even know have been talking about me...? WHY WAS MY NAME MENTIONED WHEN RYAN WAS TALKING ABOUT VALENTINES DAY THINGY TODAY!?!?!?! i think the entire school knows that goddamned thing. *shudder*. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i need a pill that makes me forget certain events. in fact, if i had this magic pill, i would like to forget the januaryfebruarymarch bit of grade 10, and the week of valentines day of grade 8. oh and i should probably forget that whole blog deleting dealie too. haha.
i need to do homework i need to do homework i need to do homework
i look forward to pretty much nothing. except my uber awesome daily chocolate chip granola bars. other than that, meh.
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