Monday, February 20, 2006


as a gift, i would like some sanity please.

when you ACTUALLY love somebody, you use the word "like". and when you ACTUALLY hate somebody, you use the word "meh", or "hmmm". the words love and hate are overrated and overfrequented and have become totally cliche and everyone knows it.

somebody on tv just said the word "oxymoron".

no one else wants to fight me like you do.

i watched maybe 3 hours of curling yesterday on tv. COUGHlazyCOUGH

maybe i will start homework soon. the weekend is allllmost over.


Krista said...

The words love and hate ned to be on a temporary 100 year retirement so when they're used they'll really be appreciated.

Nate James said...

3 hours of curling! i think i would shoot myself... haha