Tuesday, February 21, 2006

denise with her ANGEL WINGS, from grade 10

another pointless day. we had a guest speaker, and then i had band, then review time in physics, then community service. how more pointful can you get?

after school, a bunch of us went to safeway and then A&W. i ate some ketchup with a coffee stirring stick, but not much else.

right now on my msn list, about half the people online have some sort of HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY <3 for their screennames. haaaaaa.

oh man. im in grade 12 next year, then its off to university (wherever that might be). how creepy.

i have to be at school by 8am tomorrow, we have a math contest in the morning. DIE MATH DIE!!!!! ugh.

i think its kind of bad that i have random chest pains every day. last nite it was soooo bad that i had to make animal noises in my bed before sleeping. ick.

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