it is raining very hard. it is as if there is a hole in the sky and the liquid universe is being poured into the earthly world. the raindrops are parts of the milky way, they are the flowing bits of stars, they are black and shiny, like glassy eyes. i opened my window and held my arm out. it feels clean.
death cab for cutie and franz ferdinand are coming to town on april 28, in a single concert.
i ate pieces of mango today.
there is this kid who wears a dropkick murphys sweatshirt at my school. and i secretly admire him. admire as in, wow, cool. uhhh yaaaahhh.
i make up stories about people too often in my head, and i pretend they are true and build more stories upon these fictional facts. this is called living in your own world.
i cant wait until its valentines day! i live off gossip. the highschool drama will have reached its fucking retarded peak at that point. and i am the best person i know at retrieving school gossip from pretty much anybody (given that i actually desperately want to find something specific out). i am oh-so persuasive. i plan to trade gossip around, if there are plenty. it works like the black market:
me: so tell me what happened to so-and-so! did she ask him out?
somebody: im SO not supposed to tell. wtf.
me: i'll tell you what so-and-so said about you. but i'm not supposed to tell ANYBODY.
somebody: WHAT?!! what did he say?
me: tell me, and i'll tell you.
by the way, i'm not as stupid and retarded as my imagined conversation portrays me. i am just bad at portraying myself.
quote of the day (courtesy of dara): "highschool is stuuuuupid." *smack forehead*
the whole "living in your own world" thing is what 90% of my day is. no joke, at work, school, and home all i do is make up stories in my head about a different life. some times i do it so much they feel real, but reality tends to keep me in line.
today is my 19th birthday, or maybe i just imagined that too :)
hooray for stickers. i have this awesome sticker book in my room from when i was younger and used to trade with people.....garbage pail kids stickers are the best.
i heard about the upcoming death cab - franz show and am pretty excited.
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