thank the lord, after 12 hours of procrastination i have come up with a frigging title for my essay: Compare and Contrast of Mussolini’s Fascist Italy and Hitler’s Nazi Germany. It sounds mundo stupide but thats okay, i'll fix it later. lalala. i have some 8 hours to finish this essay and i know i will probably take longer than that, cause i'm weirdly perfectionistic with essays.
i have lived off tylenol and V8 this entire week. mmmm. today i went to starbucks and actually bought something for the first time in about 70 weeks. i had coffee cake and it made me dizzy with sugary sweetness. does that make sense?
i have a friend named luisa who is a talented music journalist and she makes me feel so inadequate. i used to think i was so knowledgable and indie. im so not.
i developed a cool photo today and i did something called solarizing a photograph, which means the shiny reflections in a black 'n' white photo turn silver and the white parts become grey. it's pretty. Mike, the eighteen-year-old Photography God has developed some insane photos. by now, i am certain that i have pretty much zero visual art talent. it's okay, i can pretend to be really good at photography and have fun doing that.
1 comment:
iv had a head ache for the past 4 days, and tylenol hasnt help me yet... so im trying to drown the head ache with alcohol and blog reading... ill let you know if it works
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