Wednesday, May 31, 2006
approximately 11 months ago, i was volunteering at the ymca daycamp for kids. ahahhaa. good times:
july 14, 2005
me: I'm 200 years old.
pearl [5 years old]: reeeeally?
me: yeah.
pearl: then how come... how come you're not dead?
me: i have a long life.
pearl: how come you don't have white hair?
me: i dyed it.
me: i have a beard too, but i shave it off every morning.
jessica kid [6 years old]: how can you kill your best friend?
me: you could, if you really hated them.
chloe [6 years old]: is she your BEST friend?
me: sure.
chloe: you're MY best friend.
me: awwww.
chloe: actually, you're my ONLY friend.
chloe: haha, just kidding!
kid [12 years old]: hey, old person.
me: me? i have a name, you know.
kid: but i don't know your name.
kid2: no, *points at denise* her name is denise, and *points to jenny* her.... i don't know.
kids: *stares in horrification*
denise: why's that funny.
me: *stifled laugh*
me: i promise. tomorrow's still friday, you know.
laura: i know! but! what if you get sick? what if you get fever?!?!
me: i won't get fever.
laura: promise!
me: okay. i promise!
laura + me: *pinky promise*
jonny [15...16?]: YOU'RE in the MINI too?
me: yeah.
jonny: *horrified*
ps. i just re-read this post from another's perspective. it makes zero sense whatsoever, unless you're denise. ahaha.

ughhhh. i can't stand the clever, uppity initiative-takingness in people... eh. REALLY REALLY SUCCESSFUL individuals/teenagers appall me because they are so much less lazy than i and actually live their lives to the fullest.
This rare and invaluable breed of successful, smart kids look for jobs with their fastidious resume in hand, attend friends' proms, volunteer for insane amounts of hours, attend the streetcar named desire in their spare time, write for the youth newspaper, promote local bands, run the "global awareness club" in their school, organize a walkathon, and listen to Edith Piaf.
they take pottery art courses on a regular basis, manage to find rare vinyl in obscure record shops, write french poetry, read jean-paul sartre, read joseph conrad, attend antiwar protests, read the globe and mail front to back, go to a billion concerts without somehow going broke, research michel gondry, and write letters to the House of Commons.
and thats not all; they still find time to post ~2000 posts on the most hipster of internet forums, keep themselves updated with their myspace bulletins, check email/ljs/xangas/blogs/messages, write emails/ljs/xangas/blogs/messasges, and spend a considerable amount of time on msn, enough to create "internet friends".
... ALL while keeping perfect relationships with their friends and a perfect record of friendliness and sane-headedness, as well as good health.
i guess i'm really talking about two or three people i know... but you know what kind of person i mean. the superhuman, successful kind that you want to be friends with so desperately, you sort of begin to hate them.
i realize that being clever, uppity, and initiative-taking is a good quality in people... i'm a hypocrite. whatever. ha. im uh, pretty much annoyed. how the fuck do they do that? they must have a time-turner or something. still doesn't explain their perfect freshy attitude, though. must be some supervitamin pills.
it hurts my head to even think about SAT scores, let alone to painstakingly look for job opportunities. eww. i feel so inadequate and so lazy and so ... stupid.
quote of the day:
my series of tests is OVER and i can relax until monday, which is when i have my next day. on the other hand, i have final exams starting next week. frig. i guess i'll procrastinate lots this weekend, whatever.
i have gotten my virtual hands on a virtual copy of thom yorke's solo album, The Eraser. or at least i will in a few minutes, as im downloading the zip file right now...
i have 195 emails in my "inbox" section of my hotmail and don't feel like clearing it out. wheee.
right now my sister is doing the precise thing that i hate the most - reciting headlines off the newspaper. GAHHH! just shut up, will you? she reads them and turns to my mom and i, expecting dropped jaws and gasps. half the time, she hasn't even gotten the story correctly, and it bugs me to insanity. INSANITY, i tell you.
who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?
who took the ramp from the ramilamidingdong?
dare to be differenttttttttttttttttttttt.
[i had to caption it. not that you cant read or anything.]
i realized im a pretty big hypocrite.
more importantly: my mom bought me a new quilt. its my favouritestestestest thing in the world right now cause my bed is soft and cottony and makes it perfect for naps (which i take daily... ahahah). i should really stop showing too much love for inanimate objects. and i should stop being so apathetic about people relations...
people are boring. and mostly stupid.
mostly vapid an vain.
i said some mean things today to AFox and his sidekick Berkely. (wow im coming up with such subtle fakenames...) but i say obscenely mean things to them on a regular basis, so its not that unusual. half the time i insult people, i realize what i've said about a minute after i actually say them... i must have this weird uncontrollable insult spirit monster thingy in me that springs into life whenever i'm confronted slash feel offended slash annoyed:
lara: jen, see this drawing! isnt it pretty?
me: yeah, i saw it. its nice.
afox: whats so special about it? its a drawing. jeez.
me: its called art. im sure you'll never learn to appreciate it coz youve never made any.
afox: why the fuck are you so mean?
berkely: uh... yeah, jeez jenny. *looks really offended*
snapey, the student council secretary-to-be: berkely made me take down one of my campaign posters.
me: huh? *looks at poster* oh. was he all vain about his face again and made you take it down because it has an unflattering picture of him on the poster?
berkely: ......
me: oh shit. that was a bit too loud...
they all pretty much hate me
i wish i could give a shit about it, because having enemies in the classroom isn't very healthy, but i dont really care. hahaha.
i'm never gonna know you now, but i'm gonna love you anyhow.
she appears composed, so she is, i suppose

apparently Alberta ran out of beer last weekend, when the Oilers won. bwahahahahah. how canadian.
i'm tired (lacking in sleep) and my leg hurts like hell, as usual. arggh.
i'm beginning to like my blog less and less - it feels like im writing to an audience and not to keep stuff to myself (which was kind of why i made a blog in the first place). i have zero time these days to compose myself and to think and write down my thoughts. meh. i feel jerked around by the internet and other blogs. i guess to publish freely and have people read it is part of the whole Blog thing but .... eh. plus i really should make up some fakenicknames for some real people. im dying to talk trash but half the time i stop because i dont know if they will find this blog.
if that made any sense whatsoever.
i should really get going on that artwork thing i was supposed to send away a looooong time ago. haha procrastination.
speaking of procrastination. i should be studying this moment. i have loads of math and socials shit. uggggggggggh.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

city and colour comes to vancouver, August 19, in Malkin Bowl. tickets $25, they go on pre-sale tomorrow. denise is gone that day sooooooo i naturally have no one to go with. whatever.
in non-music news, today was RUINED because... yeah. i dont even want to think about it again.
... fucking hell. i can't even stand the idea of someone i hardly know thinking about me. let alone do creepy shit. *shudder* CREEPY TIMES INFINITY. i wanted to die just then. sorry if i sound like a prick. ewwwwwwwww jesus christ. i hate this stupid crap.
i am officially SCREWED for my two tests tomorrow.
it's lunch right now we're all eating outside on the grass 'coz its sunny out. people are putting up posters for their student council campaign... soon our school building will be embedded with posters everywhereverywhereverywhere.
today, pat showed a sign of human normalcy. or at least, coming-out-of-his-shell-cy. plus he threw someone's hat on the roof, that was amusing. he looks like a grade eight boy with his new haircut. ahaha.
the school is buzzing with celebrity gossip:
rachel: did you know that brad and angelina had a baby?
me: yah. Shiloh.
me: i hate both of them, though.
rachel: yeah me too. i hate them but they're beautiful.
rachel: wouldn't brad and angelina have the world's hottest sex ever?
me: probably.
in two days it will be June, and soon the end of grade eleven. wheeeeeee. i am so not looking forward to exams but i am very much looking forward to this summer.
ive been too sleepy to update my blog properly in the last few whatevers. i went to sleep past 3am last nite, which is a record time for a school nite, probably, with no apparent reason why i should go to bed so late. eh.
on my birthday i had the worst headache plus stomach ache that my mom actually sat at my side and looked after me for about an hour. it was a tad bit scary. haha.
some things i recieved for my birthday: (because i cant think of anything better to write about right now...)
click on the images to see details. (right click, "open in new window"...)
plus an amazing white chocolate cake with pink shaved strawberry icing thingies. mmmm.
i have two tests on wednesday and im sooo screwed. eep.
on my birthday i had the worst headache plus stomach ache that my mom actually sat at my side and looked after me for about an hour. it was a tad bit scary. haha.
some things i recieved for my birthday: (because i cant think of anything better to write about right now...)
click on the images to see details. (right click, "open in new window"...)
plus an amazing white chocolate cake with pink shaved strawberry icing thingies. mmmm.
i have two tests on wednesday and im sooo screwed. eep.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Sunday, May 28, 2006

the other nite, i dreamed that my former math teacher was back in school (GASP) but i went up to talk to him, and he was mute and deaf. and nobody looked at him. i felt bad.
in other news, i saw criss's brother (the frontman in that band) again today. it was soooo random because this was all the way out in langley, a full hour drive away from vancouver. strange. my sister thought he was albino, that was frikken hilarious. i didnt say hi but i wanted to.
i came home and watched a dan-brown-hating documentary on "the da vinci code". i feel oh-so-enlightened.
i feel like shit right now. i dunno whether i should sleep or not. i had a frikken 4-hr nap today. i also had my only meal of the day at 6 30 pm. very healthy indeed. my 10pm "dinner" was a can of v8 and a bar of coffee crisp and some strawberries. mmm.

- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
whats he saying?
- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
good job
what was he saying?
- Jen - Fenny says:
"i can pick up a gift for you"
- Jen - Fenny says:
..whys that scary?!
- Jen - Fenny says:
thats extremely creepy.
- Jen - Fenny says:
cause he has the same bday as me
- Jen - Fenny says:
and hes like
- Jen - Fenny says:
"we have same birthdays!"
- Jen - Fenny says:
and im like
- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
... *runs*
on a completely irrelevant note, there seem to be a lot of gossip going around today... pstpstpst. wow we are immature nerds. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

i swear these private school kids and the rest of us lowlings live in completely different universes.
observe: photos from the saint george's fat pre-grad party. they are like the elite of the elite teens in vancouver. rich as hell. you could say all they do is party while pretending to be completely spoiled in their education. half of them are probably looking to Harvard for post secondary.
the party itself looks pretty decent and not-so-trashy, considering how notorious their dances/events usually are.
looking at those photos kind of remind me of looking at pinkisthenewblog, or something like that. highly unattainable and kind of barf inducing, but at the same time completely glorious.
i only recognize five or six people from the photos from real life, and it seems kinda surreal.

could my life these days be any more Meh than it is now?
it seems like everyone drifts apart more and more as time goes. there is hardly anyone who actually listens, so you keep all the shit to yourself and then explode at your own pace (alone) and feel Meh some more and pore over books/listen to cds until the books/cds themselves become your best friends. its only natural because you hardly go out and all you do is spend time with books/cds. and you blog some more and feel pointless. etc.
btw. oilers win stanley cup! haha. im somewhat glad.
Saturday, May 27, 2006

My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know how you could not love me now
You will know, with her feet down to the ground
Over there, and I want true love to grow
You can't hide, oh no, from the way I feel
Turn my head
Into sound
I don't know when I lay down on the ground
You will find the way, it hurts to love
Never cared, and the world turned hearts to love
We will see, oh now, in a day or two
You will wait
See me go
I don't care, where your head turned
You will wait, when I turn my eyes around
Overhead when I hold you next to me
Overhead, to know the way I see
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know, maybe you could not hurt me now
Here alone, when I feel down too
Over there, when I await true love for you
You can hide, oh now, the way I do
You can see, oh now, oh the way I do

i am totally calm by the way.
calm is an anagram for CLAM, did you know?
clams are yummy.
actually, i have no idea why i said that. i hate shellfish of all kinds.
some more anagrams that i have memorized from my grade six super geeky anagram phase:::

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahahahahaha hahahahaha ahahahahahahhaahahsdfksdf
i think im going to break down and... GO INSNAENENENENEN. then cry and dance and twirl.
uh. apparently im crazy
i love matt the way lara loves jordan. [translation: he's hilarious and it just makes me want to hug something.]
... im sure dara is going to twist that sentence around but WHO CARES!
Jen says:
i cant belive im almost 17.
Matt says:
i know
Matt says:
we can be old grandpa and grandma together
Matt says:
to lil people
Jen says:
Jen says:
Jen says:
<-- granny
Matt says:
we can have like old people stories!!!! =D
Jen says:
Matt says:
like i remember the good old days when WE DIDNT HAVE TO DO THE DAMN FUCKING PLANNING PORTFOLIO!!!!
Matt says:
something like that =D
Jen says:
:O damn right.
Jen says:
man, we're old.
pix from tonite's BIG FAT BIRTHDAY FEST coming laterrrrrr.
man, im so depressed. HAHAHAHAHAHAA. is it possible that my heart weighs as much as a fucking boulder? WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
i wish holden caulfield was real!!!!!
Friday, May 26, 2006

on may 27, 2005, the eve of my sweet sixteen, i wrote:
had birthday celebration with people and had my locker beautified, and was given very many good and random gifts like a pepper shaker. I will not list all the gifts I got, that is just too idiotic. however i love my kurt cobain poster although its ginormous and will probably depress me just looking at it. denise got me a SKETCHBOOK which was actually pretty cool. i need to watch garden state again.
the beach was awesome as it was so peaceful and no one talked about the shit stuff as if we were laughing about it all, not depressed and obsessed as usual. i guess it was still kinda itchy that everyone was not happy go lucky but i guess things can't go POOF and be like happyhappyhappy. how stupid i am to think that it would ever happen again, haha.
after beach we were looking for food and we went to this place called Sophie's on arbutus and 4th. it was such a coolass place with vintage pictures and memorabilia and records on the wall and shit. i had the yummiest pasta with chicken in the world.
after dinner we went to see random clothing stores on 4th. there were so many good shops i went nearly nuts. there was the coolest comic shop and a magazing shop and a candy shop and clothing shop. there were satiny tops and bohemian type dresses and floaty skirts and bright shirts i wanted to buy something but i didn't really deserve the pretty expensive shit, even if i had money. the dresses were pretty and there were tons of cliche pretty shit that i dont have. la dee dah.
i went to zulu records and nearly died in heaven and ended up getting one cd which was BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE finally god.
i want stars and beck now. i want want want until i go insane.
i bussed back with denise and we were on the bus for like 40 seconds max, it was rather pointless but we were so fucking pooped out and i was disgustingly sandy and ugly with wet-now-dry clothing.
i need to hang my kurt cobain posterrr. im eating mcdonalds fries as i type.
monday i am waiting for because i get my class signed card which is like uber special.

we're supposed to "celebrate" my upcoming birthday tonite. im antisocial lazy weirdo, so i think dara is doing all the organising. hahahahahah. i suck at planning, the idea of me deciding something for us to do and everyone following along with the plan is just too weird.
... that sentence seems like a run-on but i dont really care.
today after school i fooled around a bit and stole a finger of chalk from the blackboard in the math classroom and drew beige chalk hearts all over the school walls and posters. then lara took the chalk and drew on her jeans, so i did that too and now she has a pair of very interesting jeans. then we drew some caricatures of certain teachers on the board. i wish i had taken pix of them cuz they were funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
"then he went home and put a bullet through his head."
we played cards in band class today. can you believe it? soooooooo pointlessssssssssdflaskfjldsfsandb
all i want to do is sleep.
last year on my birthday it was really sunny, so we all went to the beach for a couple of hours and had dinner in a nice restaurant then roamed around west 4th avenue. it's way too cold for beach this year, though. which reminds me... maybe i should just dig around my old blog for what i did that day.

we just had the student council elections for our grade (who will be grade 12 next year). a very big hairy deal. i immediately voted for this one guy just cause he compared himself to holden caulfield. hahaha. all in seriousness, though, i think there are some good candidates. btw, that "vote-for-me"-in-every-language thing in their speeches is getting really old. they dont even pronounce the shit right.
the grade 8's beside me in the computer lab are right now arguing about how much Red Bull you'd have to drink before you become highly flammable.
ian laughs at everything i say. fucker.
it's like i wrote every note with my own fingers

the best death would be to drink perfume and die of that.
it'd be totally drama-romantic.
and aromatic.
it could have some fat meaningful side to it, too
like some beautiful death
ew, that sounds very cliched
actually, it would be good in a story
as some metaphor
or something,
or something.
i had a can of v8 for dinner today and i ate lots of slices of white cheese and when i got home i slept for about three hours and when i woke up i was cold in my thick sweatshirt. plus the phone was ringing when i woke and i was completely delusional slash disoriented for about five minutes because i'm always like that when i wake up abruptly from naps. my dad called.
i am clearly lacking in sleep. bye.
- Jen - Fenny says:
i dont think i've ever looked at your eyes closely.
oh, and guess what. i can't go to the broken social scene concert. my mom says i have to find a friend to go with me to burnaby or else. mmmf. she holds the visa, she holds the power.
i wish i listened to gwen stefani and coldplay and shit instead, so that i would have friends to go to concerts with.
i wish i listened to gwen stefani and coldplay and shit instead, so that i would have friends to go to concerts with.

i just got home from my school spring concert. it was mediocre as usual. yawn. people are fucking retarded though. the students/parents/performers kept going in and out of the fucking auditorium, getting out of their seats, etc. so nobody during that entire concert really listened to any music. the grade 8s who titter and giggle and run around the school like brainless idiots piss me off so much.
after school today, i was even more angry and pissed off. our school secretary, who was supposed to give us $1000 that we raised for Warchild Canada from the school bank account, said she had already mailed the goddamn cheque to them. i was speechless. she was supposed to give US the cheque, not mail it to them. not only were we supposed to add a specific form (which of course she didn't bother to find out about), she just snatched the stupid thing out of our hands, when this is OUR PROJECT. she shooed me away after telling me this. i was so angry that she took over something she didn't even take part in, i was fucking ready to shoot her. i never even found out how much money we raised at the end.
la la la.
i better stop THINKING or i think i'm going to blow a fucking fuse.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
i was digging around my mom's tottering stack of papers/books/photo albums and i saw my ancient baby photo album. i started leafing through it and cracked up at my old young self. (woah did i just say "old young"?)
these were taken in June 1991 when i was barely two years old. i was an only child back then, and apparently my parents spoiled me like crazy. hah. i had a lot of princess dresses when i was little.
i am amused.
these were taken in June 1991 when i was barely two years old. i was an only child back then, and apparently my parents spoiled me like crazy. hah. i had a lot of princess dresses when i was little.
i am amused.
sweet adeline

Haha. Guess what denise is giving me for my birthday?
4 more days. crazy. i dont really feel like im almost seventeen.
4 more days. crazy. i dont really feel like im almost seventeen.
apparently rachel broke up with her dear boyfriend. here she goes again...
rachel: ... and she said "good. he's not good enough for you".
me: what is this?
rachel: me and bar broke up.
me: since when?
rachel: yesterday. didn't you know?
me: how the hell am i supposed to know if you never tell me anything?
rachel: well, i told lara and denise to tell everybody.
right then, eric, who was eating his lunch beside rachel, gave a deafening cough/scoff and they started arguing as usual.
boring day. today in comm serv i shelved some books in the book room. my hands smell musty like old pages. i wanna curl up and finish reading the goddamn book. blargh.
i hope we have a substitute for english today... i saw a sub but i don't know who she's covering for.
rachel: ... and she said "good. he's not good enough for you".
me: what is this?
rachel: me and bar broke up.
me: since when?
rachel: yesterday. didn't you know?
me: how the hell am i supposed to know if you never tell me anything?
rachel: well, i told lara and denise to tell everybody.
right then, eric, who was eating his lunch beside rachel, gave a deafening cough/scoff and they started arguing as usual.
boring day. today in comm serv i shelved some books in the book room. my hands smell musty like old pages. i wanna curl up and finish reading the goddamn book. blargh.
i hope we have a substitute for english today... i saw a sub but i don't know who she's covering for.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

i just did some calculations. if i go to the BSS concert, i will be spending 7% of my "saved up" dollars. ew.
that was enlightening, i know.
i hope i dont have any homework due tomorrow, because i dont plan on doing any.
Fucking hell! i need to decide now whether i'm gonna go to that concert or not. i can't just decide, i need to pick out all the stupid details.
i'm listening to Sunny Day Real Estate.
some parts of my extremely exciting day:
dara: blah blah blah. [i totally forget what she was talking about in context of this]
jen: blah blah blah? omg. you know how in charlie brown, the teacher always makes that mwah-mwah-blah-blah noise? that was HILARIOUS.
dara: ...
jen: holy fuck i'm so excited for tonite.
denise: why? whats happening tonite?
jen: im gonna go home after school, and WATCH A DVD.
denise: ...
jen: i'm totally serious.
school was pointless as usual. i cant even remember what we did today. we did some french, though. we're learning the subjonctif tense. hey did you know that there are 12 tenses in english? my mom and i argued over this for about an hour yesterday, because i could've sworn there were 16, while my mom thought there were 12. i was defensive as hell. we wrote up every single tense we could think of. then we dug up my mom's english-teaching grammar books.
total geeks. i know.

The Stills have been added to the lineup for the Sam Roberts & Broken Social Scene concert... ok, now i really have to go. whine whine, i am lacking in money. i don't like how i would have to travel all the way to burnaby (40-60 whole minutes!) by myself, if i were to go.
(this is a plea for somebody to come with me).
tickets go on sale tomorrow (for cfox presale- which i have the password for) or this friday, which is the normal sale. i don't think it will sell out right away because this is a biggish venue. either way, it's general admission so i'm not too worried about deciding whether to buy tickets tomorrow.
$36.50 for three fantastic bands is a TOTAL BARGAIN. come and enjoy good music with me.
i guess i will go by myself (sigh) if i cant find anybody. ew. i dunno. maybe i won't. maybe i shouldn't go no matter what anyway. bleh.

it's lunchtime right now at school. how... interesting. it's raining out. people are playing ultimate frisbee. david is quite retarded. ian moreso. ian and david tried to viciously kill each other. simmersimmerangry. pat tried to climb a tree to test his upper body strength. he got stuck. sean laughed at pat. eric is trying to do his french hwk beside me right now as i type. everyone is talking about the student council elections happening sometime this month. nearly everyone is driving me nuts.
Monday, May 22, 2006
i want a range life
i REALLY need to start doing some schoolwork... like study for that huge ass test. or do math homework for once.
ugh. bleh.
i am so productive:
ugh. bleh.
i am so productive:

dara just granted me an entire paragraph worth of talking on the phone, nonstop. gossipgossipgossip. im amused. she's probably just spoken 10x more than what she usually does on the phone.
there is some simmersimmer angry going on.
i folded about two bajilion paper cranes, the tiny kind. i dug out all my super special origami paper from years ago and just starting making them. i felt like a child labouror for a paper-crane factory coz i made them so robotically. i can probably do it in my sleep now.

i watched Howl's Moving Castle (above pictures) again last nite w/ my sister. i adored it. Miyazaki is a genius. this basically sums up my thoughts:
I understand the feelings of viewers who have criticized the movie as trite. I find it's less imaginative, in terms of character development and emotional profundity, than Miyazaki's best masterpieces. However, even a pedestrian Miyazaki movie is infinitely more rich, frightening, imaginative and humane than any six Disney films put together, and there's a lot to love in "Howl's Moving Castle."
i need to see miyazaki's other films again. the last time ive seen kiki's delivery service and princess monoke and castle in the sky was years and years ago, in korean and japanese [the japanese one without any subtitles... ha]. i haven't even seen spirited away yet and that's supposed to be the best of them all.
i love the unique storytelling and wtf-inducing weirdness that are present in all of them.
god is nowhere / god is now here

i just finished watching Elephant. holy flip, that was intense. chilling. i wanna see it again already. i think it was one of the most beautiful films i've ever seen, cinematography-wise. the shots of the green skies will forever haunt me. the photography was pretty much close to perfect.
the plot reminded me a lot of Hey Nostradamus, except with more people involved. it's amazing how much you can say with so little words... there was maybe a total of 10 minutes max of actual conversation in this movie. the tiny, negligible actions of all the characters speak volumes and you really don't need any explanations. that's not to say that the characters were cliched archetypes either. the whole movie gives off a creepy vibe, but i don't think i felt disturbed once during the movie, only focussed. i couldn't take my eyes off it.
this is probably one of my favourite movies ever. if you haven't seen it, maybe you should. i don't even recommend movies often.
i like the director, gus van sant (who directed "good will hunting") a lot more now.
i watched two other movies today, but i'm going to have to talk about them later because it's 2 10am and i really should sleep before my sleeping pattern fucks me over again like last time.

EDIT: Broken Social Scene are coming to Vancouver, opening for Sam Roberts. they are playing Deer Lake Park, Burnaby.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
he was at the bus stop, leaning on the post as she waited. she was waiting for her bus when she saw him. she made discreet glances. he caught her looking at him five times. she looked away quickly each time. she didn't want to come off as a weirdo. she wiped her sweaty hands on her jeans. she chewed on her lip.
the bus coughed and wheezed into her stop. he got on the bus. she wanted to sit beside him. she followed after him but perched herself on a lone seat when he turned around. phew. she fiddled around with her bus transfer ticket. she glanced back at him. maybe she should write her phone number and give it to him?
Saturday, May 20, 2006
oh now i remember you, how i would push my fingers through your mouth
as you can see, i am clearly bored a lot. what would i do without my camera? i wouldn't have anything to fiddle around with alla time.
as you can see, i am clearly bored a lot. what would i do without my camera? i wouldn't have anything to fiddle around with alla time.
mmm slurpee.
etch and sketch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this took me nearly thirty minutes, while listening to kid a.
we've got heads on sticks
you've got ventriloquists
i always seem to have something written on the back of my hand.
etch and sketch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this took me nearly thirty minutes, while listening to kid a.
we've got heads on sticks
you've got ventriloquists
i always seem to have something written on the back of my hand.
rosemary, heaven restores you in life

there's so much MUSIC going on in my house right now. the kitchen/living room stereo is blaring Edith Piaf (for my mom). my sister is listening to the radio. my computer speakers are playing Regina Spektor songs.
i saw mark yesterday during my community service block in the school office. woah. i think he's coming back to my school (he tranferred out a year ago). it was weird cause we looked at each other but we didnt say anything. he followed swainey [counsellor] to his office.
whenever i see people i know from years ago, like from grades six/seven, i get all wistful. what am i wistful/nostalgic about? i don't know. dammit, i want to be in grade seven again.
(this is irrational.)
in grade seven, i went to a dingy little elementary school with less than 300 kids altogether. we went to mac's for lunch every single day and had slurpees. during may/june, we watched 2002 World Cup Soccer (hosted by Japan/Korea) religiously. my sister and i woke up at 3am easily so we could watch the match live. MAN. if i have ever gotten even close to being homesick for korea, that was it, watching the games and seeing the huge crowds of red shirts. [if you missed out big on the 2002 world cup, korea kicked ass majorly... not to mention that the games were actually hosted there. i guess you had to be part of it all.]
whenever korea won a game, all the korean kids in my school (which consisted of a bunch of pw people and others) wore red the next morning and went crazy. we weren't really the only ones - people paraded on robson street whenever we won a game. the radio even reported about them amusedly. true story.
korean people are patriotic. what can i say.
that was some fun times.
... the first 2006 World Cup Soccer game starts this month. damn right. things aren't going to be the same as they were in grade seven, though. man, grade seven ruled so much. i miss all of them. i wish they were the people they were in grade seven. now, i only talk to one person from my elementary school on a regular basis.
gahhh nostalgia. i feel ancient.

fucking hell. balrrrrrrrsadlkf;sjdgklsdfjdsf.fds.v.
i bought 'the da vinci code'
cause there are only about 200 requests on the library copies
and coz i havent read it yet.
i need to find out for myself whats so hype worthy about this book.
and yes, i can think of better ways to spend $10 on a book
i just read the first sentence of it
and cringed
cause it screamed suspense paperback!!!!!1111
or something.
but thats ok
lauryn hill's song Doo Wop (That Thing) is addictive...
i should really be working now, btw
too lazy
plus i need to do some major changes to my blogshit
cause its been shit
and unupdated
and my blogroll needs to be edited
cause half of them are gone slash defunct
frig. its so late and it looks like i'll be agonizing hours to do homework shit for tomorrow morning. ahhhhhhhhhh.
oh man
did you know that Musicianship = sexiness
its easy to drool over musicians
denise did so today
although she wouldnt have done that if the guy didn't play guitar for her
it's the Power of John Mayer Songs.
i think i madly fall in love with my school senior band drummer every time there is a school band concert
then i obsess about that for a while
and i have imaginary conversations w/ him
and then i want him to be my friend.
he was in my art class last year. with his twin.
he sat w/ the other korean dudes.
i didn't.
im a mini.
stupid ass cliques
they're not even cliques per se
its more like What You Just Do Anyway Even Though You Know Its Retarded
sort of thing.
i read a poem called "the pool"
and i really like it.
i like poems with lots of imagery shit in it
i pretty much despise poems that contain large, over-the-top wisdom and enlightenment
they bore me
or offend me
or piss me off
maybe its a good idea to post that Poem that i've written
you know, the one that got me a $25-cash prize
in a stupid contest
a contest held by a club
a club led by yuppies
i dunno why im rambling
i feel bad
and im marked "appear offline on msn"
because i feel like it.
that thing, that thing, that thiiiiiiiing.
over-the-top arrogant blogs beat sad emo reflective blogs any day.
this is why xiaxue's blog (as well as her about 8 other blogs) is fucking addictive.
Friday, May 19, 2006

more old archives! i dug this one up from MORE THAN A YEAR AGO, on MAY 6, 2005, from my old-and-deleted Strange Days blog.
had a nice random conversation with a complete stranger on the bus today. He had a mediumsized canvas painted spring green with dots/prints on it. I said it's so pretty (to lara) because i thought he bought it, but it was actually that he's a painter and he painted it himself. he was a cool guy and we started talking. hahahaha.
later i said to neese that i couldn't picture anyone from our class as a painter, which shows how pathetic our class is. seriously, how many of us will go out there and actually do something worthwhile, like write a play, or paint something that will be hung at a gallery? or fight for human rights, or find the cure for cancer? god.
i am currently fighting back fits of laughter from reading this post because i sound like a grade-two.

story of my LIFE.
about eleven months ago, (june 27, 2005) i posted this on my Strange Days blog that no longer exists:
since it's in my head i better post it before i forget.
girl: why don't we get one?
guy: *hesitant* oh. well, its expensive. ten dollars.
girl: ... well we can split it-
guy: sure okay. um, can i borrow 2 bucks?
guy: um, can i come over?
girl: *surprised* um, sure. when?
guy: well i'm in the middle of a LOT of things right now... so how about.. in 10 minutes?
girl: *smiling* are you one of those people who take a long time to get to know, but once i get to know you, you're fabulous?
guy: *smiles* yeah. *confused* wait, what?
im reading some other "deleted" archives of that deleted blog (damn you, Google Cached option!) and it's making me cringe because it's immature times a hundred. eewwww grade ten me. i'm cracking up, though. ahhhahahaha.
since it's in my head i better post it before i forget.
girl: why don't we get one?
guy: *hesitant* oh. well, its expensive. ten dollars.
girl: ... well we can split it-
guy: sure okay. um, can i borrow 2 bucks?
guy: um, can i come over?
girl: *surprised* um, sure. when?
guy: well i'm in the middle of a LOT of things right now... so how about.. in 10 minutes?
girl: *smiling* are you one of those people who take a long time to get to know, but once i get to know you, you're fabulous?
guy: *smiles* yeah. *confused* wait, what?
im reading some other "deleted" archives of that deleted blog (damn you, Google Cached option!) and it's making me cringe because it's immature times a hundred. eewwww grade ten me. i'm cracking up, though. ahhhahahaha.

my sister is turning into an A-class asshole. i guess all thirteen year olds are, but this is just beyond annoying. jeeez. she sometimes leaves me speechless with her ridiculous logic and the way she never listens - usual adolescent hypocrisy. i think i'm going to blow up like a fuse soon.
today, some people were lording over others and that drove me crazy. not really angry, but more like rolling-my-eyes-till-they-hurt kind of thing. it pisses me off. stop being a tyrant please or i may have to stamp on your toes, i wanted to say. frig.
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