sunny day again. not exactly hellish hot, but still very humid. sticky flesh and beads of sweat everywhere.
i went to the library today and looked up some books. the local library branch which is closest to my house is not really an ideal library: they have like, twenty books. there are only about two billion requests on the ever-famous The Da Vinci Code. i got some books out anyway. i'm reading Microserfs and it's the most hilarious thing ever. i think i even like it better than Generation X, if that's all possible... although the verdict will have to wait until i'm done the book.
my friend whose initials are DS got in a real, bruise-and-all fistfight with another guy. it was because some rich kid called him a lowling (or something to that effect). thankfully, he didnt get suspended or expelled or anything. i'm not exactly surprised that this happened because it's so like him, to be oversensitive... he's a bleeding romantic. you know. he does what his first impulse is. i'll see him on saturday. i wonder if he has any cuts and scars.
there are some rumourwhisper gossip that's going around in my school. the bottom line of it is, some people will do anything, including stepping on and ditching people, to get what they want. to be "successful", whatever. i'm kind of surprised because i thought this kind of selfish evilness didn't occur until people were old. it disgusts me. weirdos. this is exactly why i hate competition of any kind, haha.
the same reason why i quit my swim team was that; i hated everyone obsessing over their best times and the little cliques that formed according to how good of a swimmer somebody was.
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