why is nooooobody online? "nobody" being 21 people. gargh. it's only midnite. i read my socials thingy once and don't plan to study any more. too tired. my mind is blank and i can't absorb anything. i think my brain is like plastic. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
above photo is of denise's shoe. she was lying on the grass. during the pointless earthquake drill.
change of photo....

heeeey wait. why is the soccer uniform by adidas? what the frig?
um right.
when i was laundrying the fat white teddy bear the other day, i poured liquid soap into a small basin thingy and i soaked the stuffed animal thoroughly. i felt like i was drowning a baby. it was a tad bit creeeeeeepy.
i have this problem where i mistake people who have some stuff in common with me as people i should fall madly in love with and/or becoming fast friends with. does that even make sense? no, of course not. i have issues. i keep thinking and make-believing stupid bullshit. i think i'm severely deprived of contact with more weirdos like me, because every time i see one, i jump out of my skin and obsess over him/her for weeks. i make little stories in my head about them, too. plus have little conversational fantasies about that one day when i'll say something interesting to them and they'll say something back, etc, etc, etc.
i am so normal.
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