on may 27, 2005, the eve of my sweet sixteen, i wrote:
had birthday celebration with people and had my locker beautified, and was given very many good and random gifts like a pepper shaker. I will not list all the gifts I got, that is just too idiotic. however i love my kurt cobain poster although its ginormous and will probably depress me just looking at it. denise got me a SKETCHBOOK which was actually pretty cool. i need to watch garden state again.
the beach was awesome as it was so peaceful and no one talked about the shit stuff as if we were laughing about it all, not depressed and obsessed as usual. i guess it was still kinda itchy that everyone was not happy go lucky but i guess things can't go POOF and be like happyhappyhappy. how stupid i am to think that it would ever happen again, haha.
after beach we were looking for food and we went to this place called Sophie's on arbutus and 4th. it was such a coolass place with vintage pictures and memorabilia and records on the wall and shit. i had the yummiest pasta with chicken in the world.
after dinner we went to see random clothing stores on 4th. there were so many good shops i went nearly nuts. there was the coolest comic shop and a magazing shop and a candy shop and clothing shop. there were satiny tops and bohemian type dresses and floaty skirts and bright shirts i wanted to buy something but i didn't really deserve the pretty expensive shit, even if i had money. the dresses were pretty and there were tons of cliche pretty shit that i dont have. la dee dah.
i went to zulu records and nearly died in heaven and ended up getting one cd which was BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE finally god.
i want stars and beck now. i want want want until i go insane.
i bussed back with denise and we were on the bus for like 40 seconds max, it was rather pointless but we were so fucking pooped out and i was disgustingly sandy and ugly with wet-now-dry clothing.
i need to hang my kurt cobain posterrr. im eating mcdonalds fries as i type.
monday i am waiting for because i get my class signed card which is like uber special.

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