one day maybe i'll appreciate Cat Power, but not today. I want to scream until my throat bleeds. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i need george petitt's (alexionfire) larynx so i can scream awesomely to their songs.
in fact, i will listen to their songs right now.
somebody told me that dallas green of alexisonfire is dating leah miller, the uberditzy, uberstupid, uberannoying, muchmusic vj. please, non-existantgodthatidonotbelievein, please say that this isn't so. the world will end. please. please. please.
disbelief. that was kind of my reaction when i heard zach braff is dating mandy moore. except mandy moore is a sane human being. leah... is not.
what a pointless post. i should get off my ass and do something productive.
mother's day is coming up and i haven't gotten anything yet. i don't know if i'll just offer my mom to go shopping with me and buy her something she chooses. that's what i usually do because otherwise it's impossible to pick out clothing she might like without having to ask her. cooking dinner is out of question, that would be torture rather than a gift. maybe i'll make her something other than a mix cd. or give her service coupons with DUSTING THE APARTMENT and WASHING DISHES on them that she can use whenever she wants. or something. sigh. i am so lame.
my mom deserves much more because she pays for my everything (including my cellphone bill...... *runs*). plus she is just an awesome mom, i generally don't have any complaints for her. ahh i feel spoiled. maybe i will buy her something artsy from Granville Island on sunday. if i had a nice photo frame, i would give her one of my black&white photos in a frame as a gift. how tragically cliche.
1 comment:
OMG I HATE THE MUCHMUSIC VJSSSS! Specially her, well, if she's who I'm thinking she is and even if she isn't I probably hate the real her too. I dont bother even putting that channel on because they are all SO annoying.
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