the other nite, i dreamed that my former math teacher was back in school (GASP) but i went up to talk to him, and he was mute and deaf. and nobody looked at him. i felt bad.
in other news, i saw criss's brother (the frontman in that band) again today. it was soooo random because this was all the way out in langley, a full hour drive away from vancouver. strange. my sister thought he was albino, that was frikken hilarious. i didnt say hi but i wanted to.
i came home and watched a dan-brown-hating documentary on "the da vinci code". i feel oh-so-enlightened.
i feel like shit right now. i dunno whether i should sleep or not. i had a frikken 4-hr nap today. i also had my only meal of the day at 6 30 pm. very healthy indeed. my 10pm "dinner" was a can of v8 and a bar of coffee crisp and some strawberries. mmm.
Happy Birthday Jenny!
happy birfday, lovely jenny.
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