ughhhh. i can't stand the clever, uppity initiative-takingness in people... eh. REALLY REALLY SUCCESSFUL individuals/teenagers appall me because they are so much less lazy than i and actually live their lives to the fullest.
This rare and invaluable breed of successful, smart kids look for jobs with their fastidious resume in hand, attend friends' proms, volunteer for insane amounts of hours, attend the streetcar named desire in their spare time, write for the youth newspaper, promote local bands, run the "global awareness club" in their school, organize a walkathon, and listen to Edith Piaf.
they take pottery art courses on a regular basis, manage to find rare vinyl in obscure record shops, write french poetry, read jean-paul sartre, read joseph conrad, attend antiwar protests, read the globe and mail front to back, go to a billion concerts without somehow going broke, research michel gondry, and write letters to the House of Commons.
and thats not all; they still find time to post ~2000 posts on the most hipster of internet forums, keep themselves updated with their myspace bulletins, check email/ljs/xangas/blogs/messages, write emails/ljs/xangas/blogs/messasges, and spend a considerable amount of time on msn, enough to create "internet friends".
... ALL while keeping perfect relationships with their friends and a perfect record of friendliness and sane-headedness, as well as good health.
i guess i'm really talking about two or three people i know... but you know what kind of person i mean. the superhuman, successful kind that you want to be friends with so desperately, you sort of begin to hate them.
i realize that being clever, uppity, and initiative-taking is a good quality in people... i'm a hypocrite. whatever. ha. im uh, pretty much annoyed. how the fuck do they do that? they must have a time-turner or something. still doesn't explain their perfect freshy attitude, though. must be some supervitamin pills.
it hurts my head to even think about SAT scores, let alone to painstakingly look for job opportunities. eww. i feel so inadequate and so lazy and so ... stupid.
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