ah well. thus is the life for failed writers.
recent photos:
purple flowers! (on the lush sides of the defunct railway, behind the park)
i like kicking these.
wheeeeee! this was a fun ride.
the weirdest sign ever. i mean, we all know what a fire hydrant is, we don't need a sign to show us the exact same thing?
lining up for the roller coaster...
anna & me
the hellavator was freakin exhilarating.
pirate ship.
weird sign, part 2
i like colourful things.

i wish *i* could float on the surface of lakes like that.
what the heck, i have no idea why i took a picture of this. they're supposed to be singin flowers.
i made a mix cd.
i am extremely tired and my leg feels like it should be amputated because it's causing me shitloads of pain. (my leg always hurts when i'm tired). plus my back feels like it's ready to snap in two. oww.
i haven't done math homework for about a month now. it might be a good idea to start picking up on what the frig we're learning in class...
i have the greatest first sentence for a short story that's been stuck in my head for days now. i should start writing or something.
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