whenever i write a blog post and think it's the most awesome post i've ever published, no one comments on it..... hahahah.
i got home at 5 30pm from school (!!!). i am spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time at school in that dingy computer lab, working away on stupid shiznit, obsessing over powerpoint fonts. WHEEEEEEEE FUN!
on a completely irrelevant note, i have no idea why the hell Madonna is in Coachella... is she desperately trying to appeal to kids who worship Sigur Ros, Mates of State, and Wolf Parade?!?! ... weird. i guess the same goes for James Blunt. noooo idea why he's there.
... i really should get that haircut. i want a bob cut. or at least short hair. my hair is too thick to ever be pretty.
Jenny's hair is pretty.
i would kill for thick hair.
and i know exactly what you mean about posting the best post and getting no comments and then your stupid "my dog barked at a leaf today, silly dog" posts get comments. weird.
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