Wednesday, May 31, 2006

quote of the day:



my series of tests is OVER and i can relax until monday, which is when i have my next day. on the other hand, i have final exams starting next week. frig. i guess i'll procrastinate lots this weekend, whatever.

i have gotten my virtual hands on a virtual copy of thom yorke's solo album, The Eraser. or at least i will in a few minutes, as im downloading the zip file right now...

i have 195 emails in my "inbox" section of my hotmail and don't feel like clearing it out. wheee.

right now my sister is doing the precise thing that i hate the most - reciting headlines off the newspaper. GAHHH! just shut up, will you? she reads them and turns to my mom and i, expecting dropped jaws and gasps. half the time, she hasn't even gotten the story correctly, and it bugs me to insanity. INSANITY, i tell you.

who took the bomp from the bompalompalomp?
who took the ramp from the ramilamidingdong?

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