wow school is pointless. everyday. i can't believe i spend my time so aimlessly.
i have so few blogs to check daily now... Kolektos Eventualoj is gone, Philogynist is gone, Oceanaria is gone, MBlog has been gone for a while... booo. i wish everyone else updated theirs more frequently so i don't feel like an idiot sitting in front of my computer doing nothin' but not wanting to get off.
recently, i've developed a really big appetite. during dinner, i eat and eat like crazy. during lunch, i actually want to buy something from the cafeteria. the last time i had that urge was about four years ago. what the hell? i want to eat greasy fries drenched in vinegar. mmmmmmmm. during Cinco de Mayo, i could have eaten an entire bag of tortilla chips with guacamole and salsa BY MYSELF. probably.
mother's day is coming up and i am absolutely broke slash have no idea what to buy for my mom. well, thats not true, i know i can get her the usual stuff like makeup and clothes, i just don't know if i should do that again. i want to buy a huge bouquet of flowers. multiple bouquets of multicoloured daisies and those nameless flowers you see in the flower section of Safeway. i am too broke to buy real flowers from real flower shops. eh.
i am looking forward to summer, as it would mean No school, but i've planned basically nothing for this summer... i really hope it doesn't turn out to be boring or shitty. i should REALLY find a fuckin summer job or more volunteering opportunities - i haven't gone volunteering in about two months. ewww. i don't even know where i want to work at, though... i don't know what i want, period. i think somebody needs to start making goals. or something.

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