yar. i'm so goddamned jumpy right now. i did some HOMEWORK, can you freakin believe it, and its not even due tomorrow. somebody gimme a gold star. wheeeeee. i wonder what's wrong with me, i didnt even eat sugar or nothin like that. well, i never eat sugar. i only eat salt. and pepper. freshly ground pepper with four different coloured pepper beads. err, seeds. pepper seeds. i have pink seeds. i bet y'all are jealous of my pink pepper seeds.
ive been online for like 3/4 of an hour now and there're noooooooooooobody online goddammit. WHERE DID EVERYONE GO!?! i bet they are all studying for that giant fat biology test. mmmf.
today was weird because dara wasn't at school, so it felt extremely strange because i didn't have anybody to poke and bother and moannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnlikeeeethissssss to all day long! damn. dara's absence meant that i didn't sit in my usual seat during socials class WHICH SUCKS BECAUSE I LIKE MY SEAT THE WAY IT USED TO BE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. my usual desk in socials class is like a freakin billboard, i write secret elite music references and hope that somebody (ie. my fucking soul mate) will leave a response to it, which sometimes happens. theres a conversation written on my desk that looks like this: (i'm purple, my mysterious soul mate is orange.)
IBI DREAMS [this is the name of my blog, for those of you who are slow.]
:O WHO ARE YOU? - ibi
are you in the mini? [translation: nerd school]
YES! 11m!
there are some more but i cant really remember. plus there are some shitloads of postal service lyrics and jeff buckley songs and whatnot. i like scribbling on desks. i do it alla time when i go to my saturday school. i wrote metric lyrics on the chalkboard once in a math classroom and nobody erased it for a month. suhweet. my sister prob knows metric lyrics better than i, she writes some shit on the boards too.

doo doo doo we're onto you!
metric is overrated times infinity. jesus christ. even my sister knows this. stupid andrew whatshisname thinks metric is the only band with a girl for a singer, that dumbhead. andrew claims he is so punk. analogy: andrew is to panic! at the disco as dave is to DOA. d-ur. what the fuck am i talking about again?
this is a big rant, its a fucking plea to PAY ATTENTION TO ME! i doubt that anyone is reading this. who gives. its 12 12am right now btw, isnt that interesting? i forget why it's intersting tho. i want it to be 12:51 and then i can totally BLAST the strokes song 12:51 and siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing like CRAZIES. i heart the strokes. friday nites have been lonely, change your plans and then call me! doo doo doo doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooo (that was the keyboard solo.)
vairy vairy cool.
i wonder how much more bullshit i can come up with to complete my fucking insane grad portfolioooo. please, somebody shoot me now. bs-ing everything is so stupid. and completely useless. pointless. countless. lessless.
em got extremely huffy at me today because i kept blabbing on about how useless going into Arts is compared to Sciences. oh pullleeaze. not this fucked up shit again. going into arts basically means you'll make no money unless you decide to cop out for law (which i totally dont count as arts anyway, hahaha). there are plenty of real examples that withhold this claim. if youre smart go into freakin sciences and get lots of good good money, unless you have some philosophical weird ass desire to do something artsy slash beneficial to the human mind, like ME! fucking stupid. i wish there werent any big fat branches to the topic of CAREERS, i want everything to be a big fat blursmudgemeltswirl.
camus is my hero.
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit i just dropped a strawberry on a refrence letter thingy. that kinda sucks. AHHH ITS THE PERFECTIONIST POPPING OUT IN ME! catch catch catch!
once i read this story about a king who had an EATING MONSTER inside him and whenever he came near food, the EATING MONSTER popped out of the king's throat and wolfed down everything in sight. true story.
damn, i miss my books. i had a roomfull of books once. all kinds. i even had bible picture books that come in a set of 40, you can learn about joseph and jesus and adam&eve in FULL COLOUR. like woaaaaaaaaaaah. im pretty sure my grandparents bought me those, they were freakin insane christians. i also had these biography books that come in a set of 2 bajillion (= 100), biographies about shakespeare and churchill and that dude who invented the printing press, i forget his name. i used to be such a friggin bookworm. that kinda stopped when i was in grade seven...
... i have no idea where this post is going. le sigh.

school was pointless to the max today, i wonder if my life is going to be this pointless every day from now on until i graduate from high school. blah blargargharghargh. please, please, enter some meaning into my life.
wouldn't it be so awesome if you got to choose what happened to you tomorrow? that would be creepy crazy cool. ok. tomorrow, i want to meet a total awesome weirdo who reads Anna Karenina in his spare time. thats like what, 0.1% of the human population? possibly less. he has green hair. he uses a pogo stick to get to school and wears socks with golden snitches on them (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA). i will be walking home and he will jump on his pogo stick while wearing doc martens. then he'll say WANT TO TRY? so i'll be like SURE and i'll pogo off the face of earth for a while and then come back and be like WOAH THAT WAS AWESOME AND I SAW STARS AND I VISITED THAT PLANET URIEL WHAT-NOT THAT MADELINE L'ENGLE TALKED ABOUT IN HER BOOK 'A WRINKLE IN TIME'. then he'll be like YES and then i'll magically have a pogo and give his back to him and then we'll pogo off to wherever radiohead is right now and see them live in their tour and sing really loudly during 'karma police'. then we can be best buddies and dress up as Andy and Claire from generation x for halloween. and maybe get us a third buddy so we can have Dag. plus we'll give each other super cool gelpens as birthday gifts and celebrate by eating green tea ice cream and watching IRON CHEF.
the end.

1 comment:
I read it all Jenny. I wanted to talk to you yesterday, but we're never online at the same time - stupid time difference. Maybe at the weekend?
Boo to missing your books. I just buy more and more and I have no-where to put them any more.
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