i had seven hours of sleep. i woke up at 12 30pm. yes, i went to bed at 5 30 in the morning... i was working on stuff for my mom's office. phew. i was fine thru the nite, except near 5am i began to feel really really lightheaded and woozy. i dozed in bits in sitting position, in front of the computer screen with its 2000-line spreadsheet. ugh.
my mom and my sister were already awake by the time i decided to take a break and go to sleep, at 5 30am. it wasn't even pitch-black-dark then either. i plopped into bed and slept for what felt like was 1 minute, except it turned out to be seven hours... that was a bit creepy. it's like when you go into surgery: one minute, before the surgery, nurses in white are saying "keep breathing... now i'm just going to inject you with this..." and the next minute, you are post-surgery, in a completely different room, and your mouth/knee/whatever is swollen like hell. everything in between is black to the memory.
anyway. i'm done typing info into the insane spreadsheet and i must hurry and start the evilness that is graduation portfolio. and study for that goddamned physics test. shite shite shite.
what a lovely mothers day - workaholic mom hasn't done anything today except work on her laptop as usual and drive my sister to swimming practice. yar.
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