Friday, June 30, 2006
omfg. i found some bubble wrap while cleaning the house. i am popopopopopopopopopping the stuff like crazy. I LOVE BUBBLE WRAP.
i got out an old photo frame and enclosed a photo from our last trip to korea - my mom, my sister and me. i have short hair in the photo. i musta been like 11 or 12 i think. this framed photo is my favourite thing in the house now.
the radio is talking about how the bc teachers might go on yet another strike, starting in september. awww. usually i'd be for this, but early september is when we have our ultra cool 1-week trip to strathcona (on the vancouver island), PLUS it would be my last trip there because uh, im in grade 12 next year. if we do not get a trip of some sort, i will fucking riot.
ima gonna go make some fried eggs.

i had a weird concert dream today.. there were a lot of hazy lights and confusion and people. i forget.
i had a cookie ice cream just now. mmmmm.
tomorrow is canada day - it feels weird because it's already july. fuck fuck fuck my time as a kid is running out. im sad.
the kitchen smells like hazelnut and coffee. my mom bought a thing of instant flavoured coffee because our coffee bean grinder is broken. i wish there was a camera that captured smells. i've been sniffing my empty mug once in a while.
my whole family is tired out and our apartment is incredibly messy. my sister's swimming gear is all over the house - i dont know how she manages to scatter out her stuff so thoroughly. the living room couch is a sorry sight, it's half-dead from plopping down on it too frequently. there are books all over the tables. nothing ever stays in the shelves for very long.
i havent had a proper meal so far today. in the summer i live off cookies and instant packaged noodles. maybe i'll make dinner.
today was officially the last day of school for the year of 2005-2006! i picked up my report card at 10 30am. all my obsessive worrying about my english mark paid off because i got 89% for my final. suhweet. my sister and i have both gotten straight a's like the good little girls we are. what a laugh.
anyway, afterwards, a bunch of us headed to richmond center mall for some mindless shopping slash being retarded. lara spent over a hundred bucks. rox spent just under that, i think... richmond mall is always crazy because it seems like there's a neverending sale there, no matter what time of the year. it's perfect for shopping till the point of barfdom and dizzyheadedness.
we took a gazillion photos. my words are too redundant, so here are a fraction of the photos taken today, in chronological order.
cheap flipflops... these totally scream summer
she refused to wait in line for the changing rooms.
i like trying on hats.
dara and me. uh, why do i always look retarded in photos?
we're not crazy. serious.
i tried on this awesome white dress that i fell in love with.
rox tried on a pair of funky black aladdin pants.
whitedress jenny, blackpants roxy.
this is a sign of my vanity
ha ha
we went to tim horton's.
i dont think dara likes photos much
yes, we ARE vain little bitches.
we cracked up so hard during these photos.
i think we were louder than everyone else combined in the restaurant.
just a tad bit too loud and obnoxious.
lara's on the verge of bursting into laughter
dara is attempting to be cute.
aylz is a frog, i think.
im in my head
dara took this when i wasnt looking.
my bloody valentinesque dara
lara's nails scare me.
dara says: Dood, look at me.
lara examines dara's skin
and roxy tries to refrain from throwing up.
ummm i have no idea
lara examines her fancy purchases.
dara calls to talk to her cooler friends. phsaw.
lara wears a weird plastic thing on her ear.
dont ask.
dara says: Get me away from these crazies please.
anyway, afterwards, a bunch of us headed to richmond center mall for some mindless shopping slash being retarded. lara spent over a hundred bucks. rox spent just under that, i think... richmond mall is always crazy because it seems like there's a neverending sale there, no matter what time of the year. it's perfect for shopping till the point of barfdom and dizzyheadedness.
we took a gazillion photos. my words are too redundant, so here are a fraction of the photos taken today, in chronological order.
dara says: "Talk to the hand, phsaw."
either that or she's trying to block her face again. damn.
on our way to the mall...
about one year ago i took an identical photo as this one.
i like the mirrors on the ceiling.
me and dara
roxy looks bored
either that or she's trying to block her face again. damn.
on our way to the mall...
about one year ago i took an identical photo as this one.
i like the mirrors on the ceiling.
me and dara
roxy looks bored
cheap flipflops... these totally scream summer
she refused to wait in line for the changing rooms.
i like trying on hats.
dara and me. uh, why do i always look retarded in photos?
we're not crazy. serious.
i tried on this awesome white dress that i fell in love with.
rox tried on a pair of funky black aladdin pants.
whitedress jenny, blackpants roxy.
this is a sign of my vanity
ha ha
we went to tim horton's.
i dont think dara likes photos much
yes, we ARE vain little bitches.
we cracked up so hard during these photos.
i think we were louder than everyone else combined in the restaurant.
just a tad bit too loud and obnoxious.
lara's on the verge of bursting into laughter
dara is attempting to be cute.
aylz is a frog, i think.
im in my head
dara took this when i wasnt looking.
my bloody valentinesque dara
lara's nails scare me.
dara says: Dood, look at me.
lara examines dara's skin
and roxy tries to refrain from throwing up.
ummm i have no idea
lara examines her fancy purchases.
dara calls to talk to her cooler friends. phsaw.
lara wears a weird plastic thing on her ear.
dont ask.
dara says: Get me away from these crazies please.
roxy ponders this advertisement...
HAHAHAHA. cough cough
HAHAHAHA. cough cough
i went at the library afterwards. the clouds were BUBBLEY.
bubble clouds.
all in all, it was fun and pointless
at the library, i borrowed books on photoshop. it is my sad attempt to learn the sophisticated art of digital photo manipulation. my sister borrowed practically every single margaret atwood book in the entire library, i am not kidding.
i found a manga graphic novel (ie. comic) version of siddhartha by hermann hesse. cool! i should read the comic version coz i hardly understood it when i read it like three years ago. it's too profound for my little head to understand.
i hope i can sleep well tonite, last nite's insomnia was not fun. i got 4 hours of sleep though, i guess that's better than nothing.
bubble clouds.
all in all, it was fun and pointless
at the library, i borrowed books on photoshop. it is my sad attempt to learn the sophisticated art of digital photo manipulation. my sister borrowed practically every single margaret atwood book in the entire library, i am not kidding.
i found a manga graphic novel (ie. comic) version of siddhartha by hermann hesse. cool! i should read the comic version coz i hardly understood it when i read it like three years ago. it's too profound for my little head to understand.
i hope i can sleep well tonite, last nite's insomnia was not fun. i got 4 hours of sleep though, i guess that's better than nothing.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
a stereogum article quotes hollywood reporter:
if this is true, i am definitely excited for it... he is one of the most amazing musicians with a totally breathtaking voice.
Musician Jeff Buckley is getting the biopic treatment. Writer-director Brian Jun, whose Steel City was nominated for the grand jury prize at January's Sundance Film Festival, will write and direct a feature based on the musician's life. The movie is being produced by Buckley's mother, Mary Guibert, and Michelle Sy, who executive produced Finding Neverland.
if this is true, i am definitely excited for it... he is one of the most amazing musicians with a totally breathtaking voice.

summer insanity once again. its 20 minutes to 5am and I CANT SLEEP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE SOMEONE HELP.
i lay on my bed pointlessly for two hours and thought about everything.
i gotta go to school in about 5.5 hours to pick up my report card lalala
im fuckin hungry.
hey guess what, i counted how many origami cranes ive made and i'm at 240. hahahahha. tres productive and not time wasting at all.
an ambulance went by about a minute ago and i can still hear it whizzing into distance.
friggggggggggggggggggg. i want to sleeeep.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i am pretty weird. i just read a fall out boy q&a site for ummm like 2 hours? yuh im about to barf my brains out from squinting at the tiny font. i dunno why i like reading pointless shit so much.
i broke a plate today. it made a loud bang when it hit the floor and gazillions of glasslike pieces lay on the kitchen and got embedded in the hallway carpet. i opened the blinds and the glass caught the rays of yellow light and the house looks shiny and sparkly but really its very deadly. i mopped up the shards and combed through the carpet and i hope i didn't prick myself with a featherlight dustsmall piece of porcelainglass shard because i can't stand the idea of an inanimate object being rooted in my flesh.
uh. ive gone temporarily cuckoo coz i did not break a plate to day
i made a mix cd for my mom, this is probably the seventh or eighth or nineth that i've made for her. i think she stole my feist cd cuz i cant find it and i dont feel like opening a hundred cd cases i own to see if i misplaced it. how inconvienient.
ps. why is the internet slash blogger being fucked today?

today while i was chopping tomatoes i cut myself with the knife.
i didn't want Jenny to freak out, so i pretended that i was greedy (i don't need to "pretend") and ate the tomatoes. I can take being called a jerk and whatnot. Next time i should stay away from knives. I should really learn how to cook.
i feel bad.

- Jen - Fenny says:
- Jen - Fenny says:
he is SO FUCKING CREEPY in band
- Jen - Fenny says:
well i guess i wont be in that anymore
- Jen - Fenny says:
unless photo 11 is with photo 12
- Jen - Fenny says:
in which case there is a chance im in his class
- Jen - Fenny says:
in which case i will kill myself
i watched canada/america's next top model tonite. this marks the second time i've watched an episode of it, ever. i watched it because i love the idea of taking photos of PEOPLE, argarhgghaghghghghghghgh. im excited for photography 12 next year because i'll be getting my own big fancy clunky camera. i can't wait to bully my friends into letting me take portraits of them.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

went to kerrisdale and met up with rox, denise, rachel and uh aaron and his "girlfriend". hah [edit: I FORGOT LARA.]
i need a fake name for the aforementioned girlfriend. any suggestion would be appreciated. (this means you dara & denise.)
we had iscreamyouscreamweallscreamforicecream and then had a lunch-less picnic. we sat on the grass by the park in the community centre. its very nice and sunny out today. i wore a white skirt coz everything else was in the laundry. it was not comfortable. we played cards on the grass.
i forget what else we did. we got some food and we looked at clothes and denise bought skinny jeans, we went to payless shoes, etc
i was walking home and then i entered this tiny store that was just about to close and i bought a pack of rainbow origami paper. umm yeah. i have a boxful of paper cranes right now, i plan to make more. it's more addicting than picking at scabs.
by the way, i had a dream that i was a waitress today. odd.
on a completely irrelevant note, i am pissed because im being told/suggested what to do and i want to yell STOP FUCKING PRESSURING ME MMMKTHX. ugh. i will do what i want to do, and not what YOU want to do, thank you very much.
k bye.

i watched Spirited Away. ahhhh amazing movie. i don't know how miyazaki films manage to be so bizarre and freakishly creepy and awfully touching at the same time. i dunno. i need to watch it again soon.
i cut up and ate some fruit after i finished watching the movie, and in my head, i could see every single move i make in miyazaki cartoon form. i felt like something was gonna go POOF and when i turn around, something bizarre would be there. it's like my brain is tricked or voodooed into thinking as if real life were animated film.
on a completely irrelevant note, i think i'm going to kamloops and squamish at random points in july. that'll be fun. no, seriously. anything to get out of monotonous petty vancouver shit for a while. i love speeding through the highway with all the windows open and there is not a worry in the world and all you can do is look forward to whats coming ahead of you and you drive for three hours while you listen to red hot chili peppers and you feel high with adrenalin as if you're making a road trip to california and everything seems to be fascinating and free and not-tied-down and the fact that you're going to a tiny town in the middle of bc doesn't matter coz you're just excited to be somewhere other than within your shitty four walls.
damn straight.
Monday, June 26, 2006

watch: google current explains the meaning of terms "indie yuppies", "teh" and "pwn"

i was checking my inbox and uh, guess who sent me an email... my chemistry teacher. she sent an email to all her chemistry 11 students. i am very scared. especially 'cause whe used msn lingo like "lol".
went to the dentist today to get a regular cleaning. at one point the assistant dentistwoman scraped my teeth so violently, i could feel blood rushing to my head. she switched to the other end of the sharp scraping tool and i saw blood and gore. umm gross. i thought i'd faint.
anyway im going to rent movies tonite and eat good food and get fat.

its 2 22am and i caaaant sleeeeeep.
i started reading Fight Club today. im on like page three but i'll get to read the rest of it soon hopefully
i did the funniest thing tonite... i joined a web forum for ytv. i am cracking up at my own randomness.
i found my sister's xanga page, but she doesnt know. she stole my photos and posted them! blasphemy. her posts are hilarious. she uh, loves explodingdog. a lot. apparently her favourite books are the blind assassin and sophie's world. which rings sort of true because she has sophie's world practically memorized line by line. ("that was a mere bagatelle," she quotes.)
i don't know what it is about blogs and xangas and livejournals... i just love reading people's journals. Revision: interesting people's journals. or maybe i mean people's interesting journals. sometimes i'll read a blog for its news or music downloads or obligations (oh yes, obligations) ... but for most of the others, i could read them for hours. i think im the only person in the universe who even reads all the archives. umm yeah. i need some more pointful hobbies, i think.
yawn. im typing out excel spreadsheets once again.
i watched Pirates of the Caribbean on tv tonite. and umm Superman II.
you know who's super awesome? Simon from ytv. he does 'zapx movies' on the weekends. i wish he were my friend.
hahah wow.
you know who else is super awesome is Steve Burns [above] from Blues Clues. um i love his green nerd shirt. and Joe sucks. apparently Steve has a musical career now and he opened for Flaming Lips in the uk. whaddaya know.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
i think i need a breakkkkkkk from blogging.
i want to play the piano again.
sweat pools between my collarbones and drips down down down
hey guess what, im getting a (non-digital) black&white manual camera to use for my photo 12 class in school next year
i'll prob go bonkers and obsess about photos
when i get the camera
i think summer is depressing people already.
.matt says:
god is summer boring at times or is it just me
.matt says:
just walking around the house
- Jen - Fenny says:
do something interesting
.matt says:
like wrist cutting!
i watched the MMVAs last nite and my heart slipped at seeing dallas green (city and colour) perform. his voice is um amazing. the fall out boy performance was insane. how did they get to play 2 songs? there was explosive amount of energy during 'dance dance' although their performance wasn't all that good. FOB entered the red carpet in total emo fashion, and dressed in their ironically humourouss tshirts... ha.
the nelly furtado and timbaland performance was fuhreaking awesome. their chemistry onstage was just crazy. there were a lot of energetic performances this year in general. as much as i hate rihanna for sampling soft cell's "tainted love" (among other things), her performance was the most entertaining.
emily haines of metric was a total bitch on red carpet, it was almost offensive to the viewer. she completely ignored the vj's questions and ran away from him. uhhh, righto. i coulda have slapped her. wtf does she think she is, the world's indie rock queen?
[mmva photos] some select photos (click to see them much bigger):
nelly furtado + timbaland + devon soltendieck (vj)
pete wentz is adorable. i mean, um... *shifty eyes*
dallas green. le sigh.

metric performing "monster hospital"
nelly furtado + timbaland perform "promiscuous"
fall out boy

FOB during rehearsals
mmkay, look at the prints on the drumset.
louis vuitton + clandestine motifs? thats classic pete wentz.
(note: clandestine is pete wentz's clothing line of emo-certified goods. ha.)
[pete wentz' clandestine buzznet]
i've spewed out a billion photos this week, it seems.
k bye.
the nelly furtado and timbaland performance was fuhreaking awesome. their chemistry onstage was just crazy. there were a lot of energetic performances this year in general. as much as i hate rihanna for sampling soft cell's "tainted love" (among other things), her performance was the most entertaining.
emily haines of metric was a total bitch on red carpet, it was almost offensive to the viewer. she completely ignored the vj's questions and ran away from him. uhhh, righto. i coulda have slapped her. wtf does she think she is, the world's indie rock queen?
[mmva photos] some select photos (click to see them much bigger):

louis vuitton + clandestine motifs? thats classic pete wentz.
(note: clandestine is pete wentz's clothing line of emo-certified goods. ha.)
[pete wentz' clandestine buzznet]
i've spewed out a billion photos this week, it seems.
k bye.
oh yah, i kind of forgot to mention. my story that i submitted to some contest in march is now published in a glossy book of short stories written by kids.
i was way too lazy slash had writers' block back then, so i handed in a retarded short story from grade 10 english... and got honourable mention for it. ha. yesterday was the awards ceremony thingum. i feel bad that my shitty story is in such a beautiful book. had i known, maybe i would have written a better one.... hah who am i kidding.
i was way too lazy slash had writers' block back then, so i handed in a retarded short story from grade 10 english... and got honourable mention for it. ha. yesterday was the awards ceremony thingum. i feel bad that my shitty story is in such a beautiful book. had i known, maybe i would have written a better one.... hah who am i kidding.
my sister won $75 for getting the third prize. she won't let me read her goddamn story. it's called Wayne.
this is my third time writing for an anthology of kids' works, but a first for writing a short story. the first two publications were AGES ago... they were poems. i wrote both of them in kindergarten. i lost the first book but i still have the second one. the second book is like a collection of poems from different school districs in the city, or something like that. it was a big hairy deal, i think, coz i remember my mom buying multiple copies and giving them to relatives, as if it were some university thesis. my poem was about wine. hilarious.
i have two copies of the short story book and the whole thing is pretty amusing.
this is my third time writing for an anthology of kids' works, but a first for writing a short story. the first two publications were AGES ago... they were poems. i wrote both of them in kindergarten. i lost the first book but i still have the second one. the second book is like a collection of poems from different school districs in the city, or something like that. it was a big hairy deal, i think, coz i remember my mom buying multiple copies and giving them to relatives, as if it were some university thesis. my poem was about wine. hilarious.
i have two copies of the short story book and the whole thing is pretty amusing.
why don't you show me a little bit of spine you've been saving for his mattress, love
i was so tired yesterday, i think i fell asleep right after i finished watching the MMVAs... um wow. i woke up at 9 30am this morning which is a whole lot of sleeping. hah.
when i woke up, the apartment was empty except for me and all the windows were open for the morning breeze to enter. my sister left me a note...

(we communicate through blurbs written on a real estate/mortages notepad when she leaves for early swim meets. obviously i don't wake up at 5am if im not going with her to watch her races.)
yesterday, however, i did wake up at 5am to watch her races. i think i got three hours of sleep that nite coz i couldn't fall asleep for the longest time... i lay on the kitchen floor like i do when it gets insanely hot/humid. i opened the fridge and sat by the cold air for a while. eh.
we packed our things and picked up one of my sister's fellow swimmer, grace, and her mom. apparently her mom can't drive and needs us to drive them to everywhere they go. um. grace is a 7th-grade spoiled brat, and also the unfriendliest prick idiot. i said hi and she wouldn't even respond and cooed to her yorkshire terrier dog instead, which she brought along as a popularity-magnet, DUH. the dog is so adorable and sickeningly sweet, she probably causes diabetes. grace holds onto this dog like paris hilton holds onto her retarded chihuahua. my sister and i pissed grace off whenever we could. ha
my sister went to warm-up in the pool. i watched people. watching people set up tents is ridiculously hilarious. there was this one asian man who looked as if he's never set up a tent in his life, and he was trying to single-handedly set up this giant one... it was the most comical thing i'd ever seen.
i bought breakfast at the consession stand. it consisted of two pancakes and six tater tots. turns out that the pancakes weren't even cooked properly, it was all wet batter once i started eating it. yum. after the tater tots, i ate the leftover ketchup with a fork.
then, um, i saw Tommy. i saw him before he saw me. i hate when this happens coz i never know what to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Tommy: hey, don't you go to my school?
Me: mmhmm, yup.
Tommy: are you swimming?
Me: no. my sister is.
Both of us: ...
Me: which event are you?
Tommy: 200 IM. dont watch me though, i'll be really bad.
Me: oh, i'll be watching. good luck
Tommy: thx. i need it.
that dialogue was really pointful... he's in the same team as my sister, but she's never seen him around. prolly cause he's in the 'o cat' division, which means he trains all year and not just the summer.
fast forward. my sister did really well in her 200 IM event, considering she's never raced that one this year... her shitty coach, who has the same name as i do (ugh) signed her up for all the wrong events. whateverssssssss. my sister got 2nd alternate. uh ya. she went to see Jen afterwards:
Jen: you did terrible, blah blah, everything sucked except your butterfly, you were 51 seconds for your freestyle, thats outrageous, blah blah blah, you better redeem yourself tomorrow coz you were horrible.
apparently my sister's former coach Ben (who i might mention is the hottest nice guy on the planet) is dating Jen the class-a bitch. he was sitting beside her at the crash desks. lovely! ewwwwww. the world is uh, clearly messed up. Jen has frog eyes that bulge when she's angry and matted hair. plus she's evil.
after her race we chilled for a bit and tried not to get lost in the usual swimmeet insanity, like obsessing about other kids' race times and gossiping about shit. i have a theory that swim meets make people about 200 times more idiotic and arrogant. the kids only hang out with other kids with similar race times, coz the ones who are better than others do not even bother looking at slow lowlings. its pretty messed.
i guess i kind of miss swim meets cause i like the excitement and i love swimming and all but i despise all the people junk that come with it.
what a huge post. i'm going to stop here.
when i woke up, the apartment was empty except for me and all the windows were open for the morning breeze to enter. my sister left me a note...

(we communicate through blurbs written on a real estate/mortages notepad when she leaves for early swim meets. obviously i don't wake up at 5am if im not going with her to watch her races.)
yesterday, however, i did wake up at 5am to watch her races. i think i got three hours of sleep that nite coz i couldn't fall asleep for the longest time... i lay on the kitchen floor like i do when it gets insanely hot/humid. i opened the fridge and sat by the cold air for a while. eh.
we packed our things and picked up one of my sister's fellow swimmer, grace, and her mom. apparently her mom can't drive and needs us to drive them to everywhere they go. um. grace is a 7th-grade spoiled brat, and also the unfriendliest prick idiot. i said hi and she wouldn't even respond and cooed to her yorkshire terrier dog instead, which she brought along as a popularity-magnet, DUH. the dog is so adorable and sickeningly sweet, she probably causes diabetes. grace holds onto this dog like paris hilton holds onto her retarded chihuahua. my sister and i pissed grace off whenever we could. ha
i love poolwater and its intoxicating chlorine smell.
the meet was in an outdoor pool near forest/camping area place in the middle of nowhere, burnaby. i rememebered why i hated swim meets as soon as we arrived. everybody is in a big competition of Who Has The Most Space Claimed In The Camping Area By Setting Up Insanely Huge Tents And Lawn Chairs And Tarp Shelters. some jock dad dude and his family brought a trailer. ew. not to mention the stupid parents obsessing about their kids' race times, and the parentcliques that form according to how fast your child is. its probably why i quit the swim team. haha.barf.
my sister went to warm-up in the pool. i watched people. watching people set up tents is ridiculously hilarious. there was this one asian man who looked as if he's never set up a tent in his life, and he was trying to single-handedly set up this giant one... it was the most comical thing i'd ever seen.
i bought breakfast at the consession stand. it consisted of two pancakes and six tater tots. turns out that the pancakes weren't even cooked properly, it was all wet batter once i started eating it. yum. after the tater tots, i ate the leftover ketchup with a fork.
then, um, i saw Tommy. i saw him before he saw me. i hate when this happens coz i never know what to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Tommy: hey, don't you go to my school?
Me: mmhmm, yup.
Tommy: are you swimming?
Me: no. my sister is.
Both of us: ...
Me: which event are you?
Tommy: 200 IM. dont watch me though, i'll be really bad.
Me: oh, i'll be watching. good luck
Tommy: thx. i need it.
that dialogue was really pointful... he's in the same team as my sister, but she's never seen him around. prolly cause he's in the 'o cat' division, which means he trains all year and not just the summer.
omg excitement.
fast forward. my sister did really well in her 200 IM event, considering she's never raced that one this year... her shitty coach, who has the same name as i do (ugh) signed her up for all the wrong events. whateverssssssss. my sister got 2nd alternate. uh ya. she went to see Jen afterwards:
Jen: you did terrible, blah blah, everything sucked except your butterfly, you were 51 seconds for your freestyle, thats outrageous, blah blah blah, you better redeem yourself tomorrow coz you were horrible.
apparently my sister's former coach Ben (who i might mention is the hottest nice guy on the planet) is dating Jen the class-a bitch. he was sitting beside her at the crash desks. lovely! ewwwwww. the world is uh, clearly messed up. Jen has frog eyes that bulge when she's angry and matted hair. plus she's evil.
after her race we chilled for a bit and tried not to get lost in the usual swimmeet insanity, like obsessing about other kids' race times and gossiping about shit. i have a theory that swim meets make people about 200 times more idiotic and arrogant. the kids only hang out with other kids with similar race times, coz the ones who are better than others do not even bother looking at slow lowlings. its pretty messed.
i guess i kind of miss swim meets cause i like the excitement and i love swimming and all but i despise all the people junk that come with it.
what a huge post. i'm going to stop here.
Saturday, June 24, 2006

i was bored so i flipped through the channels and watched The Object of My Affection [above still] on Tv. the george character was so charming and the whole movie was real sweet. ahhhhhh jeez. im falling in love with all these crap movies. next thing you know, i'll be reading books by Meg Cabot and getting starry-eyed at every romantic comedy.
i still haven't seen Shopgirl. i think it was like a year ago that i said 'AHHH I HAVE TO WATCH IT WHEN IT COMES OUT IN THEATRES'. jeez!
... i wanna watch the sisterhood of the traveling pants again. i've been reading it all day yesterday.

Friday, June 23, 2006
i have the fattest headache right now... uggggggh. i might vomit any second. too much light and too much sound everywheres! my head is woozy.
anyway i got my computer back and have buzznet-ed a billion and a half pictures to go along with the shit i did last week/this week... um ya
anyway i got my computer back and have buzznet-ed a billion and a half pictures to go along with the shit i did last week/this week... um ya
missing pet poster. i found it somewhat hilarious
buschlen-mowatt art gallery for Expressions 2006
dara wanted me to take as many pix as possible for this event
coz she couldn't come... so i took a lot of pointless ones
the theme of the whole exhibition was artistic sculptures around vancover.
kids painted these postcards of vancouver landscapes.
and some paintings.
this one is my favourite out of them all.
it makes me love vancouver just by looking at it.
i loved this photo too. i have no idea who took it,
because there were no names attached to the artworks.
one of my three photos that were hung in the gallery..
its pretty lame.
<3 my favourite.
west pender street
i was walking down robson st when i saw the Reds! omg!
i miss korea. thank god im going there this summer.
my own patriotism cracks me up. but i love it anyway.
abandoned textbooks. they were left on the bench
in front of the school. i snooped around the workbook
pages, trying to find out whom it belongs to...
im weird like that
this person sure likes highlighting
my school billboard thing. im assuming this is a part
of the whole grad pranks thing that happened a while ago.
Party on, Wayne.
i felt bad for this umbrella. i dunno.
roxy is a BIG LOSER! heh.
(L sign = "learner driver" in canada)
the grass is so greeeeeeeeen
lara, dara, denise's shadow, and my shadow.
buschlen-mowatt art gallery for Expressions 2006
dara wanted me to take as many pix as possible for this event
coz she couldn't come... so i took a lot of pointless ones
the theme of the whole exhibition was artistic sculptures around vancover.
kids painted these postcards of vancouver landscapes.
and some paintings.
this one is my favourite out of them all.
it makes me love vancouver just by looking at it.
i loved this photo too. i have no idea who took it,
because there were no names attached to the artworks.
one of my three photos that were hung in the gallery..
its pretty lame.
<3 my favourite.
west pender street
i was walking down robson st when i saw the Reds! omg!
i miss korea. thank god im going there this summer.
my own patriotism cracks me up. but i love it anyway.
abandoned textbooks. they were left on the bench
in front of the school. i snooped around the workbook
pages, trying to find out whom it belongs to...
im weird like that
this person sure likes highlighting
my school billboard thing. im assuming this is a part
of the whole grad pranks thing that happened a while ago.
Party on, Wayne.
i felt bad for this umbrella. i dunno.
roxy is a BIG LOSER! heh.
(L sign = "learner driver" in canada)
the grass is so greeeeeeeeen
lara, dara, denise's shadow, and my shadow.
well that's it. whole lotta pictures, none of them any pointful. anyway enjoy. i gotta go and cure this fucked up headache with some tylenol

my sister is playing some violin symphony music on the stereo. shes the classical nut in this household. umm ya. she thinks that she plays the clarinet better than i do, and i secretly sort of agree, but i know im better at sight reading. or maybe i just suck in general coz i quit lessons.
i dont know how i would feel if i lost a family member to cancer. my mom's friend's husband, who died a couple of years ago, was the closest person. that was... shocking and extremely depressing. he was the world's nicest person. his daughter graduated high school about four months after that. he always wore a hat to hide his bald chemotherapy head.
a lot of my relatives have passed away because of cancer but none that i've met. my mom's aunt and grandma both died of breast cancer, and my dad's father's sister had something too. there are more but i forget the rest.
on a completely different note... my sister's award-winning short story was published in a small newspaper. she's going to get her story published in a book with a bunch of other kids' short stories (including mine...). aw.

blogger is fucking msessed up, it just deletd my last post. ah well who gives about posts anyway
i wanna go on a shopping rampage
i might do something to my hair today ie. go to the hair salon.
or maybe i wont
when i was lil, my mom cut my hair in the bathroom and i liked looking at my black hair in the trash bin
once my sister cut her own hair when she was like six and i was nine cause we had just been watching that disney movie mulan and we were raving about that part when mulan cuts off her hair so that she can pretend to be a man go join the army forces to protect her father, etc, etc. and we were totally drooling over this heroine and we were like wow, thats so brave, and then a day later chunks of my sister's hair was in the garbage and my mom and i were like wtf, why did you cut your hair, and my sister replied, coz mulan did it and i thought it was cool.
my sister is going through a manic sewing phase and she hand sews like three pillows a day and makes stuffed frogs with googly eyes.
i havent eaten breakfast yet altho its kind of dinnertime in like 4 hours. eh
i miss playing tag. i think im in a regression phase where i only read childrens books and get all nostalgic about elementary school
im maybe gonna start on a grand project soon, stay tuned
or mebbe not
im fickle.
k bye.
ew, i should really refrain from blogging late at nite. ijust read what i wrote in my last two posts and they are both like HEY READ ME IM INTERESTING AND DID YOU KNOW THIS FASCINATING FACT ABOUT ME BLAGDKSLFJSLGJSLDKJFLKSDJFKL KLSKFJKLSDFJDSFS!
myspace is so annnnnnooooyyyyyiiiiiinnggngngngngngngn
Dear perfect people:
Please stop being so perfect. I am highly jealous of you and may soon have to resort to getting rid of you secretly so i dont feel like barf.
K thx.
Love, Fenny.
myspace is so annnnnnooooyyyyyiiiiiinnggngngngngngngn
Dear perfect people:
Please stop being so perfect. I am highly jealous of you and may soon have to resort to getting rid of you secretly so i dont feel like barf.
K thx.
Love, Fenny.

o by the way i forgot to say that the KOREA -SWITZERLAND GAME IS TOMORROW/TODAY AT 11:00AM PACIFIC TIME! i know everybody cares a lot about that. um AHHHHHHHH PRESSURE! i musnt get my stupid fucking hopes up but the swiss is beating the french so maybe there will be some other miracles slash anomalies
i dont understand why aylz didnt go swimming or get in the pool at all today
im still pondering about it.
the laptop just made a whirring noise
since summer has officially started (ie exams are fucking OVER) i can start doing something worthwhile, ie createwriteread something. or something. im no good in spending my time wisely, but i need to coz otherwise i'll be bored shitless this summer. i'm going to the interior bc some time in july and august but i dunno when i'll be doing that yet.
i went through all my sister's books recently and re-read all the katherine patterson's and jerry spinelli's in the house. i love bridge to terabithia, gahhh why is it so god damn meaningful. im severely in love with childrens books and i want to write one. all of a sudden, the normal/grownup books seem dull and completely pretentious and idiotic and extremely unmeaningful, in retrospect. ahhhhhhhhahahahaha i am making zero sense. i read My Heartbeat about a billion times over the last few days, i think im gonna go nuts from that book. im kinda becoming obsessed about it.
i guess i should go to granville island and go to Opus Art Store and buy myself some art supplies or whatnot coz i've run out of the 8x11 sketchbooks and all i have left are the three huge ass sketchbooks that are all half-used. hey did you know that i love pencil crayons? a guy in my class (KH) has a real nice set that prolly cost $50 or some shit, i envy him a lot. ummmm plus i own the most ancient box of chalk pastels EVAR, ive had the exact same set since PRESCHOOL (and i am not joking). they were a xmas present from some preschool santa claus dude. i guess i dont use them very much at all. they're kind of everlasting coz the fingers of chalk never really seem to shrink.
uh i dunno why i ranted about art supplies for an entire paragraph there...... im no good at drawing and painting and shit, all you need to be is perfectionistic and interesting with your observations when you make things and you will come off as pseudoartistic blah blaasldkflsgkdskcmfdsfs.
oh guess what dara/others... my sister got into the vyso (youth symphony orchestra)... HAH! im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too amused. sometimes i think my sister is 10x more talented than i am, but then i secretly read her journal and that tells me that she's thinking otherwise. i cant tell if she hates me or admires me. i guess that stuff is trite adolescence shit, to complain about siblings.........
during the world cup, i even love the commercials. hell yes! i love that adidas one they keep playing over and over.
i should uh sleep now, its 3am and i have to get up in time for the soccer game. ahhhhhhhh

Harry Kewell (AUS), after his tying goal
i finished my last exam today. NO MORE EXAMS YESSSSSSSSSSS. my friends have pretend-shunned me because most of them still have one (or two!) exams left. heh.
after the exam, we went to zach's house/outdoor pool... pretty relaxing. i am so glad my exams are done. at one point during the party, denise splashed hot tub water at me when i was fully dressed, so i grabbed her clothes and nearly dumped them in the pool. denise was frantically trying to get them back. hahahaha. hilarious. it was all mindless fun and hours of burning each other. i can't even half the stuff that happened.
we had a barbeque and ate dinner there. zach was flipping burgers, i wish i could have taken a picture of that. it was so amusing. he was all american-house-party-host like.
i have a ton of photos on my camera but i can't upload them until i get my computer back from the repair shop.... ugh inconviniences. i hate not having pictures to go with the day's events but whatever. i'll live.
i walked home after zach's party. on my way home i heard a jingly tune and saw an ice cream truck driving through the quiet neighbourhoods in front of my school. ahhhh sweet. it seems like summer's really here now.
when i came home i watched the Australia - Croatia game. i was rooting for Australia because i love the coach Guus Hiddink (hmmm, i wonder which team he coached 4 years ago...). but seriously, it turns out i would have rooted for Australia anyway cause Croatia played such a dirty game. I only really watched the second half of the game, and there were at least five red cards on the Croatian team and yellow cards every two minutes. insanity. the game tied 2-2. awww.
at midnite i suddenly had the urge to watch a disney movie, so my sister and i watched Toy Story 2. ahhhhhahahhaa. i love that movie. my sister and i have practically memorized every bit of that movie, we know all the staple lines. when we were younger, we used to say these lines out of the blue, in personality voices, and laugh our heads off for a good five minutes. i guess we do that with practically all comical quotes, coz we do that often with harry potter also. and tv commercials. heh.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

ahhhh. my mom just got a cut on her thumb while cooking and she bled pretty badly. the washcloth i used to cover her thumb turned red all over. she had to go to a meeting, so she went out with a bloody, bandaged thumb. UGH. what the fuck. i dumped the washcloth in a basin of water and the water turned bright orange. ewwwdswewklfsjkl;daflkdsagkjl;sdajkl ;gjsdlfjkldsjkfalsdahhhhhhhhhhhh
i think im traumatized from seeing too much red.
i dunno where everybody is.. i haven't been on msn for a while and havent seen any of my friends since monday and i feel like im in some prison cell. whereeeeeee areeeeee youuuuuuuu allllllllllllllllllllllllll?
i haven't been out of my apartment for hours and hours and hours
i made a list of THINGS TO READ AND WATCH OVER THE SUMMER and taped it onto the fridge. yuh. it has a list of books and dvds. i guess since im not doing any big fat productive things this summer i should at least try to uh not waste too much time. im sick of over-thinking about summer productivity in a way, it seems like everyone is treating summer as if its no longer a time to relax but to achieve something that you can put on your resume that no one else will have, ie a billion hours of volunteering and a $10-an-hour-job.
i think i just hate productive people in general.
my mom hates the summer cause summer means the start of my sister's insane routine of swim practices and swim meets. i think my mom spends like 3 hours each day just driving my sister around. plus, swim meets are abominable coz there are lil retarded parental cliques depending on how fast your child is in races, on whether your child goes to private/public school, among other things...

zach's having a bbq/pool party tomorrow after our socials exam. we severely need one too, i don't think our class has had a big get-together since... a loooong time ago, i can't remember when. our class is breaking into shards of cliques (not that it wasnt like that before. but recently we haven't put much effort in even pretending that we're all good ol buddies. i guess the thing in white rock was sort of like a class get-together except it wasnt really. i remember in grade 8/9 when we had an all-inclusive mini party like every friday. whatever happened to that?
... i dont even know why im complaining, since i'm supposed to be the antisocial cynic. ha ha ha
no doubt that some of us are gonna drift off to matt's house during zach's thing. they live a minute apart.
i had a strange dream this morning... i was walking down the street and i entered a whorehouse and one of my acquaintances from school was a prostitute there. i left, saying i didnt want anything, and she got very offended and started throwing shit at me and screaming at me.
uhh yeah. plus i had another dream but it's so indie-geeky it doesn't even make sense... i think i've been listening to a little too much My Bloody Valentine and Neutral Milk Hotel.
my computer is still in the repair shop, so i can't waste time on the internet as much as i'd like to. or blog as much as i'd like to. well, i guess those two things are the same thing, kind of. umm yeah. i better study anyway. fuck! all i've done this week is cram.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

apparently, one of George W's daughters attended the Radiohead concert in NY. Thom posted on his blog:
this'll make you laugh.
i was told yesterday that one of the daughters of the president came to NY show 2.
we were playing THe Tourist at the end of the show.. and yyes we did wander what the shuffling manhandling fighting was in the distance of the audience.
turns out it was her 6 bodyguards clearing the way for the first daughters exit. and some pour soul objected at being manhandled by the secret service. i think i would have to.
infact if i had known all this my objections would have been more forthright and extensive...if you know what i mean. which is perhaps why our lot chose not to tell me who was in the building before we went on. probably a good idea.
i dont know if we should be
A. honoured
B. amused
C. bemused
D. ask if she had a valid ticket
E. object belatedly on moral grounds
F. ask again if she had a ticket and question whether this really what our gigs are about
G. dont blame the daughter for the father
H. shutup and smile
answers on a postcard
nobody prob cares about this lil blurb but i thought it was amusing.
umm i want a new radiohead album like now. kthx
i went to pick up my newspaperl from the mailroom this morning and every single newspaper (the vancouver sun, the province, the globe and mail...) had the OILERS LOSE story on their cover. jeez!
btw, i sent an email suggestion to sam, the explodingdog man. i will most likely crack up if i see a drawing with my title on it.
... im not odd at all...
i still haven't seen the Muchmusic Video awards... must plan to do that soon coz i feel the need to be in the loop like a tugging sleeve.
but in the meantime i have to go back to studying for the last exam (or more like procrastinating to study)... fucking hell. i hate craaaaaamming.
shut up i am dreaming
did the math exam yesterday. pretty easy, except it turns out i did more work than i had to - i could have used the calculator more efficiently instead of doing everything by hand. umm ya. whatever.
i've only one more exam to go. i've yet to study for my giant social studies provincial exam and the guilt slash worry is itching at the back of my mind. itch, itch, itch. ugggh.
last nite i read for five hours straight. (wheeeee free time!) i read the most amazing book of my sister's, called My Heartbeat. i loved it because of the unusual emotions in it and also because not a single thing in it was cliche. the main girl, Ellen, is now one of my favourite characters in all of literature i've ever read in my life. ahahah. the book doesn't really deserve to be labeled a "young adult book" coz so many craptacular teenagehood novels go into that category.
i re-read every single Judy Blume book in the house... the last time i read them must have been years ago. aw. "tales of a fourth grade nothing" was the first english book that i really enjoyed, in grade five.
Zach Braff is starring in an upcoming movie! he didn't write/direct it this time, as far as i know, but i will still be watching it because he was way awesome in "Garden State". his blog has the trailer of the movie (as well as some video posts and whatnot). "the last kiss" will come out in September.
i should really be studying for my last exam extensively because of the two essays i have to write for it. my mom made me run about triple billion errands today, i was like ARGH JUST GIMME A LONG LIST OF THINGS TO DO AND STOP BUGGING ME, WOMAN! whenever i read on the couch, she thinks im being lazy. i guess thats true to some extent...... but its hot and sticky and its that time of the month in which i feel like being a fat potato and do nothing productive.
this morning i actually listened to my keane cd in its entirety for the first time since i bought it. hahaha! i think im becoming lovesicksappyromantic here. cough cough.
k bye.
"Now we all know the words were true in the sappiest songs"
- Death Cab For Cutie, "A Movie Script Ending"

Monday, June 19, 2006
i've studied math for about 2 hours and am halfway through the goddamned textbook. when i'm done my exam tomorrow, im seriously going to hack at my stacks of notes with an axe until they bleed.
i watched the Korea - France encore game. after the 81' tying goal, both teams were scrambling to hurry and get another goal in before the game ended... it was hilarious watching the players going frantic coz france was obviously anxious and korea was waaaay excited from the tying goal. the players on both teams panicked and jumped up and down and fell down running. ahahaha.
... i should have studied math instead of watching that game, coz right now im sick of studying although im nowhere close to being done. argh!
i seriously need a Be the Reds shirt.
this blog has been about nothing but exams and the World Cup lately, hasnt it? i haven't been this patriotic since... well, since the last World Cup. ahahaha. the Olympics doesn't even come close.
fucking math. this is the worst procrastination for studying i've ever done, its 1am and im only halfway! math is pretty easy for me, but the exam is tomorrow and that horrible nightmare i had last nite has still got me rattled and jumpy. my brain is wandering. thank god i'm not sleepy. i think the caffeine from all the coffee is making me 7 times more jumpy but whatevers.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Dick Advocaat (KOR)
HOLY CRAP.June 18, 2006: Korea’s Park Ji Sung (Manchester United) scored a tying goal at 81 minutes, making the Korea-France match a DRAW. I am totally excited by the fact that France could only score one goal... our goalie is way too good. I’m amused that France has nothing but two draws now, because they have the odds of 1:15 at winning the Cup, obviously the highest in Group G. (Korea’s odds are something like 1:200.) GO REDS! I think the French must be plenty sore.
I’ve had the most insane couple of days... Yesterday, I took a bus 1.5 hours out of Vancouver with Dara, to White Rock (a small suburb), to attend a big fat get-together at my former math teacher’s house. Awwwwwww. it was a back-yard house party with croquet and burgers and popcorn. more than half our class came. it was awesome seeing our teacher again... he left the school only a few months ago (transferred to a different school much nearer his residence) but he's the best teacher ever. i think we'll have emotional ties to him until end of grade 12, for sure.
after that whole shebang i came home and fell asleep at 9 30pm... insanity. i was abruptly awoken at 1 45 in the morning when i had the worst nightmare i've had in a REALLY long time. it scared me shitless and i couldn't go to sleep coz my heart was pounding, and i didn't know what was reality and what had been the dream, because it had been so goddamned vivid. since i couldn't go to sleep, i cleaned my entire room and desk and sat on my bed, trying to get rid of bad thoughts, until i fell asleep at 3am or so.
the nitemare was basically ALL my worries rolled into one giant crushing ball... ummm yeah. i'll say that much. i was so scared i nearly went schizo.
when i woke up in the morning, i had had yet another dream... that one wasn't a bad dream but it was certainly weird. umm. i think i have photography on my mind too much these days... in my dream, everything was grainy and black&white, just like the photos i develop on the weekends.
i took the bus to West Pender and Georgia to attend the Arts Umbrella end-year exhibition, called "Expressions: Something's Happening Here!". I took some pictures, which i will post later because my computer's in the repair shop and i can't upload them yet. two of my photos were hung in the gallery, the theme being the artistic sculptures around Vancouver. some important people talked about important things for a little while in the gallery.
then my photo class went to critique our own photos among ourselves, as we usually do on the last day of class, when another Arts Umbrella instuctor who taught painting, Martin, showed up and went on a 10-minute tangent about how we youngins were artists, not joe shmo sheep, and therefore could change the corporate face of earth; about the days of his youth and how they used to rebel about everything, from the vietnam war to the price of bread; how he hadn't seen a big fat youth revolt in the last 15 years; how he thinks we teens should live our lives and have fun. it was wild. he was the most energetic person i've met. his whole rant was far too amusing.
on my way back home from the gallery, i was walking along Robson Street when i realized... EVERYONE AROUND ME WAS WEARING RED. i looked around more carefully and realized that these were the korean parts of downtown and this location is the exact spot where the korean-canadians/students parade along, after every world cup soccer match (ever since 4 years ago)... the cars started honking in chaotic unison and there were lots and lots of red shirts and korean flags. ahahahahahahaha. i got caught in the moment and went hyper.
... thats when i heard about the 1-1 tie. from the yelling crowds. it was exhilirating. and hilarious.
i took the bus home and realized i got home just in time to watch the MuchMusic Video Awards Red Carpet (4:30pm) but i severely need to start studying, so I'm going to have to postpone watching that till later. muchmusic will play it a crapload of times, but i can only hope that they will also rebroadcast the Red Carpet Arrivals coz that's just as much worth watching as the actual awards.
off to "studying". ciao.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
after the exam ended at around 3pm, the bunch of us loafed around for a while and "played" soccer in the grassy school field while deciding where to hang out... it only took us an hour to decide. dara and i crashed matt's house again. we ate some noodles... and uh, i cant remember what else we did. oh yah, we listened to the Strokes and bitched about joeyroger. cough cough. i'll refer to them as J&R, the Creepy Dudes.
tomorrow, im going to a house party at a former teacher's house with the rest of my grade eleven classmates... should be interesting. the total travel time is going to far exceed the amount of time we're actually going to be at the get-together... being so far away. ew. bussing far distances is a bitch.
i watched Benny & Joon again tonite, gahhh i frikken love that movie because its so goddamn charming.
tomorrow, im going to a house party at a former teacher's house with the rest of my grade eleven classmates... should be interesting. the total travel time is going to far exceed the amount of time we're actually going to be at the get-together... being so far away. ew. bussing far distances is a bitch.
i watched Benny & Joon again tonite, gahhh i frikken love that movie because its so goddamn charming.
Friday, June 16, 2006
i went to the school awards ceremony tonite to get some generic awardsit was boring as hell
the most pointless 2 hours of my life.
ian recieved the department award for english 11 and he was very smug about it. ewwwwwww pulllllleezeeeee.
anyway, im not gonna study much for the next exam coz i clearly over-studied for the one i did today. my chem teacher already posted marks up. i got 95% on the exam. ahahahahaha
god im hungry. all ive eaten today were instant noodles and multiple cans of V8. im addicted to the stuff now.
Thursday, June 15, 2006

im hungry.
i wonder what everyones doing
prob being more sociable than i am right now
ive been staring at the computer screen for way too long
plus i think im gonna mold into my chair soon
plus my brain's already like grey porridge

i'm reading xangas and myspaces and whatever links that i come across from those sites... lalala. fucking addicting and mindless. hooray.
i found a xanga blogring for my school and it includes internet nerds like me who have an account for everything. (by everything, i mean deviantart, xanga, myspace [two accounts, one for their own and another for their band], blogspot, livejournal, probably tagworld, and most likely audioscrobbler and accounts to about a billion music forums. not to mention the usual shit like photobucket and gmail.)
oh wait. i don't have a tagworld account. haha.
so i was reading them xangas and .. i'd have to concur with most of this post. (a list of The top 25 most overrated things in existence). ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahaha sdkfjsdkfsdjkvjxlcx.,vxcvxc,mvc
0: The Killers (I can't believe I left that off, that's definitely the most overrated thing in existence. Too lazy to change all the numbers.)
1. Tie: Coldplay / Guitar Solos
2. U2
3. Jack Johnson
4. The OC
5. Reality TV
6. Pizza
7. Hot Topic
8. Napoleon Dynamite
9. Spongebob Squarepants
10. Stewie from Family guy
11. Hating Bush before you even know the facts
12. Bisexuality (I'm referring to the girls who PRETEND to be bisexual because they think it's cool)
13. Classic rock
14. Classical music
15. Star Wars
16. Bitchiness / insanity. No, it's not a good thing.
17. Fancy recording equipment
18. Medical dramas
19. One Tree Hill
20. Prison Break
21. Songs
22. Post-season 11 Simpsons
23. Post-season 3 Family Guy
24. Musical theory
25. Team sports
k ima gonna go and read some more pointless shit
ps. my brain is turning into mush!
pps. chem exam was fucking easy. and i was studying so much too! i studied so much to the point in which i hated chemistry more than physics. GASP, i know. fucking waste of time, la.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

i just had my last day of classes of grade eleven. we are now the oldest kids in the school... ummmm scary. i mean, kids will look up to us lamelings now.
the yearbook this year is beeeautiful... the whole day was basically Yearbook signing. somehow, i didn't love it the way i used to, although i wrote a 1000-word essay in dara's yearbook and similarly insane pargraphs in lara's and denise's. don't worry, i get waaaaay too carried away with yearbook signings, its part of the weirdness in me (as well as my birthday-remembering obsession shits). the whole yearbook thing was annoying and not especially pleasant. although sometimes, idiots *coughiancough* will write something hilarious or puzzling that i can be amused about for a while.
i was just reading the grad writeups in the yearbook... i will be writing one of those in the months to come. VERY VERY CREEPY. i like reading grad writeups and recognizing bits of lyrics that the grade 12's have written. madeleine quoted metric's "raw sugar" (see, i knew i recognized that lyric). michelle (12m) quoted broken social scene's "anthem for a 17-year old girl", etc.
i really should be studying chem. i really should. really really really. i havent started and i already feel a wave of a nap swaying over me.
i woke up at freakin 5 30am to watch the Korea (RoK) Vs. Togo soccer game... korea won 2-1. the first half was pretty painful because neither of the teams were making much progress but they were calling out fouls like crazy. lots of yellow cards and a red card.
... normally i dont pay attention to football/soccer, but during the world cup season, i BREATHE world cup matches and automatically root for korea because, well. im born there. the world cup 4 years ago was awesome because korea (and japan) hosted it and the home team kicked ass (came 4th in the whole tournament). i can only pray that lady luck is still of their side... but i really better should shut up and stop jinxing it.
today after school, dara and lara and i went to safeway to buy stuff for our grade 12 grad awards... you know, the quirky ones that are handed from grade 11's. here are some photos from that...
dara has WINGS (i drew them.)
dare, i've never seen you as happy or as yellow as this!
(we later put a white plastic over this balloon....
white hat + smiley = ku klux klan smiley. ahahah.)
we were talking about how American Eagle strategically
places beach sand on models. yar.
im only posting this photo coz it looks like lara's
head is poking out of the bag!
how to eat a granola bar.
lara is pissed. or pretending to be, for my photo :D
dare, i've never seen you as happy or as yellow as this!
(we later put a white plastic over this balloon....
white hat + smiley = ku klux klan smiley. ahahah.)
we were talking about how American Eagle strategically
places beach sand on models. yar.
im only posting this photo coz it looks like lara's
head is poking out of the bag!
how to eat a granola bar.
lara is pissed. or pretending to be, for my photo :D
the evening picnic (in which i give away the grade 12 awards...) went by sort of painfully and lethargically (is that even an adverb?) but it got better towards the end, because there were some really funny/charming awards. some photosphotosphotos:
(um. did i just say '4ever?)
damn denise. so photogenic.
tear. this photo is GOLD.
how to spot a honger.
after the picnic was our usual June Dance but it was so boring, la. so what did i do? go out and play ultimate frisbee with eric, zach, emily, david, and dara until 9:45pm. it was fun. and so much less time wasting than a frikken dance.
speaking of the dance... ian and his perfect sweetheart girlfriend entered the dance together with a majestic air. they were holding hands and looking very much in love, BARF. their bodies were totally screaming "A-list couple coming through, get out of my way, you're ruining the attention im getting." as soon i saw them enter, i pretended to wretch after getting away from them (but not too far away, ahahah). im not against teenage couples or anything: i just find this certain couple (and you'd have to know them personally) completely appalling. very elite, very WASP. hmmmmmm.
i REALLY should be studying for chemistry... i've got like 4 hours of sleep last nite and today i skipped CS to nap in the library... not exactly successful, i slept for more or less 20 minutes. yar. i have ONE nite to study for my fucking chemistry final exam! how productive. wheeeeeee!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
- Jen - Fenny says:
.dara says:
+shoots jenny
- Jen - Fenny says:
on a completely irrelevant note,
i want cakes and ice cream right now
cause i just remembered willy wonka
except willy wonka is a chocolate factory... so i dunno why i wasn't reminded me of chocolate instead
mr willy wonka: "candy is dandy but liquor is quicker."
.dara says:
+shoots jenny
- Jen - Fenny says:
on a completely irrelevant note,
i want cakes and ice cream right now
cause i just remembered willy wonka
except willy wonka is a chocolate factory... so i dunno why i wasn't reminded me of chocolate instead
mr willy wonka: "candy is dandy but liquor is quicker."
extremely nice people creep the fuck out of me. ahhh. it scares me.
im procrasstinating to the max right now... fuck im so lazy i wonder how i'll ever get anything done. ie. STUDY FOR FUCKING FINAL EXAMS IN LIKE TWO FUCKING DAYS oh wait i mean in like TWELVE FUCKING HOURS!
This is me bugging dara when we are both doing pointless things, ie procrastinating and being retarded on msn.
im procrasstinating to the max right now... fuck im so lazy i wonder how i'll ever get anything done. ie. STUDY FOR FUCKING FINAL EXAMS IN LIKE TWO FUCKING DAYS oh wait i mean in like TWELVE FUCKING HOURS!
This is me bugging dara when we are both doing pointless things, ie procrastinating and being retarded on msn.

Monday, June 12, 2006

AHHHHGHG COMING UP WITH GRADE TWELVE AWARDS IS SO HARD. how is it possible for these awards to be charming/serious/funny/thoughtful/ aww-inducing/relevant/personal at once, without being stupid/corny/inappropriate/cliche to the max? impossible.
i have no ideas and the award presentation is tomorrow. ugh
i'll have to prob give away some retarded award that is corny and makes no sense.
by the way. i just had my first popsicle of the summer a few hours ago - a strawberry one from the korean grocery store that i haven't had in about eight years. popsicles ftw!

these days i talk to maybe like 6 people a day for a considerable amount. not that im being purposefully antisocial (GASP!) but im that busy. yuh.
apparently i need my own manual camera if i want to take the grade 12 photography course in school next year. ughhhhhhh. i hope i can get one.
... or, the better option would be to take BAND and not PHOTO 12 ew erlack barf. i dont want to face the evil art teacher (despite her height, which is probably around 4 feet, she is still pretty evil) and all the other really frighteningly stuck up talented artsy kids. um ya.
i miss band already. ugh.
stupid fucking course conflicts. i'll never get to play the clarinet again, booo.
anyway. matt is apparently going to charlie's house at 5:30am to watch the South Korea vs. Togo game. world cup football ftw! (ftw= catchphrase of the moment.)
k bye.

i just read the newspaper for 2.5 hours straight. my head is all wooooozy
things to do in the extremely short term:
- study for chemistry final (omfg.)
- study for physics final
- study for math final ... la la la
- read goddamn socials textbook
our socials teacher is so irresponsible, we haven't covered half of the curriculum which the provincial exam will be focussing on. we're screwed times infinity. yay!
my school is giving out yearbooks on wednesday! happy yearbook day! oh man. i remember grade eight yearbook day, i think i got practically EVERYONE in my class to sign/write stuff in it. ha! and i wrote a paragraph worth of remember when this happened... in nearly everybody's. anticipation much!
world cup football 2006 tv airing times [click]
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