Thursday, June 01, 2006

im going to korea for about a week in the summer with my mom and my sister - plane tickets have finally been confirmed. woot. i am totally excited because i haven't been there for about 5 years now. holy jeez. nine days is way too short (even a month wouldnt do) but we have to fit my sister's insane swimming practices/provincial swim meet into the whole schedule. eeee. excited x infinity. i'll get to see my relatives slash bring some stuff home. like my insane number of books i left there before coming to canada that i still havent brought. (let's say, i have a lot of books.)

i think i might be lost!

i should go to sleep coz its 12 30am already and i had zero homework today. jeez i waste a lot of time.

ps. this is really trippy.

1 comment:

Raymi Lauren said...

ooh ooh get me a souvenir.