its 2 22am and i caaaant sleeeeeep.
i started reading Fight Club today. im on like page three but i'll get to read the rest of it soon hopefully
i did the funniest thing tonite... i joined a web forum for ytv. i am cracking up at my own randomness.
i found my sister's xanga page, but she doesnt know. she stole my photos and posted them! blasphemy. her posts are hilarious. she uh, loves explodingdog. a lot. apparently her favourite books are the blind assassin and sophie's world. which rings sort of true because she has sophie's world practically memorized line by line. ("that was a mere bagatelle," she quotes.)
i don't know what it is about blogs and xangas and livejournals... i just love reading people's journals. Revision: interesting people's journals. or maybe i mean people's interesting journals. sometimes i'll read a blog for its news or music downloads or obligations (oh yes, obligations) ... but for most of the others, i could read them for hours. i think im the only person in the universe who even reads all the archives. umm yeah. i need some more pointful hobbies, i think.
1 comment:
iv heard that the book is much better than the movie... but thats usually how it goes.
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