o by the way i forgot to say that the KOREA -SWITZERLAND GAME IS TOMORROW/TODAY AT 11:00AM PACIFIC TIME! i know everybody cares a lot about that. um AHHHHHHHH PRESSURE! i musnt get my stupid fucking hopes up but the swiss is beating the french so maybe there will be some other miracles slash anomalies
i dont understand why aylz didnt go swimming or get in the pool at all today
im still pondering about it.
the laptop just made a whirring noise
since summer has officially started (ie exams are fucking OVER) i can start doing something worthwhile, ie createwriteread something. or something. im no good in spending my time wisely, but i need to coz otherwise i'll be bored shitless this summer. i'm going to the interior bc some time in july and august but i dunno when i'll be doing that yet.
i went through all my sister's books recently and re-read all the katherine patterson's and jerry spinelli's in the house. i love bridge to terabithia, gahhh why is it so god damn meaningful. im severely in love with childrens books and i want to write one. all of a sudden, the normal/grownup books seem dull and completely pretentious and idiotic and extremely unmeaningful, in retrospect. ahhhhhhhhahahahaha i am making zero sense. i read My Heartbeat about a billion times over the last few days, i think im gonna go nuts from that book. im kinda becoming obsessed about it.
i guess i should go to granville island and go to Opus Art Store and buy myself some art supplies or whatnot coz i've run out of the 8x11 sketchbooks and all i have left are the three huge ass sketchbooks that are all half-used. hey did you know that i love pencil crayons? a guy in my class (KH) has a real nice set that prolly cost $50 or some shit, i envy him a lot. ummmm plus i own the most ancient box of chalk pastels EVAR, ive had the exact same set since PRESCHOOL (and i am not joking). they were a xmas present from some preschool santa claus dude. i guess i dont use them very much at all. they're kind of everlasting coz the fingers of chalk never really seem to shrink.
uh i dunno why i ranted about art supplies for an entire paragraph there...... im no good at drawing and painting and shit, all you need to be is perfectionistic and interesting with your observations when you make things and you will come off as pseudoartistic blah blaasldkflsgkdskcmfdsfs.
oh guess what dara/others... my sister got into the vyso (youth symphony orchestra)... HAH! im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too amused. sometimes i think my sister is 10x more talented than i am, but then i secretly read her journal and that tells me that she's thinking otherwise. i cant tell if she hates me or admires me. i guess that stuff is trite adolescence shit, to complain about siblings.........
during the world cup, i even love the commercials. hell yes! i love that adidas one they keep playing over and over.
i should uh sleep now, its 3am and i have to get up in time for the soccer game. ahhhhhhhh

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