Monday, June 19, 2006

Beck & Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes)
at Bonnaroo Festival (via Stereogum)

i've studied math for about 2 hours and am halfway through the goddamned textbook. when i'm done my exam tomorrow, im seriously going to hack at my stacks of notes with an axe until they bleed.


i watched the Korea - France encore game. after the 81' tying goal, both teams were scrambling to hurry and get another goal in before the game ended... it was hilarious watching the players going frantic coz france was obviously anxious and korea was waaaay excited from the tying goal. the players on both teams panicked and jumped up and down and fell down running. ahahaha.

... i should have studied math instead of watching that game, coz right now im sick of studying although im nowhere close to being done. argh!

i seriously need a Be the Reds shirt.

this blog has been about nothing but exams and the World Cup lately, hasnt it? i haven't been this patriotic since... well, since the last World Cup. ahahaha. the Olympics doesn't even come close.

fucking math. this is the worst procrastination for studying i've ever done, its 1am and im only halfway! math is pretty easy for me, but the exam is tomorrow and that horrible nightmare i had last nite has still got me rattled and jumpy. my brain is wandering. thank god i'm not sleepy. i think the caffeine from all the coffee is making me 7 times more jumpy but whatevers.


1 comment:

Nate James said...

Iv been listening to bright eyes non-stop for 3 months now... Conor Oberst kicks ass!