when i woke up, the apartment was empty except for me and all the windows were open for the morning breeze to enter. my sister left me a note...

(we communicate through blurbs written on a real estate/mortages notepad when she leaves for early swim meets. obviously i don't wake up at 5am if im not going with her to watch her races.)
yesterday, however, i did wake up at 5am to watch her races. i think i got three hours of sleep that nite coz i couldn't fall asleep for the longest time... i lay on the kitchen floor like i do when it gets insanely hot/humid. i opened the fridge and sat by the cold air for a while. eh.
we packed our things and picked up one of my sister's fellow swimmer, grace, and her mom. apparently her mom can't drive and needs us to drive them to everywhere they go. um. grace is a 7th-grade spoiled brat, and also the unfriendliest prick idiot. i said hi and she wouldn't even respond and cooed to her yorkshire terrier dog instead, which she brought along as a popularity-magnet, DUH. the dog is so adorable and sickeningly sweet, she probably causes diabetes. grace holds onto this dog like paris hilton holds onto her retarded chihuahua. my sister and i pissed grace off whenever we could. ha
i love poolwater and its intoxicating chlorine smell.
the meet was in an outdoor pool near forest/camping area place in the middle of nowhere, burnaby. i rememebered why i hated swim meets as soon as we arrived. everybody is in a big competition of Who Has The Most Space Claimed In The Camping Area By Setting Up Insanely Huge Tents And Lawn Chairs And Tarp Shelters. some jock dad dude and his family brought a trailer. ew. not to mention the stupid parents obsessing about their kids' race times, and the parentcliques that form according to how fast your child is. its probably why i quit the swim team. haha.barf.
my sister went to warm-up in the pool. i watched people. watching people set up tents is ridiculously hilarious. there was this one asian man who looked as if he's never set up a tent in his life, and he was trying to single-handedly set up this giant one... it was the most comical thing i'd ever seen.
i bought breakfast at the consession stand. it consisted of two pancakes and six tater tots. turns out that the pancakes weren't even cooked properly, it was all wet batter once i started eating it. yum. after the tater tots, i ate the leftover ketchup with a fork.
then, um, i saw Tommy. i saw him before he saw me. i hate when this happens coz i never know what to sayyyyyyyyyyyyy
Tommy: hey, don't you go to my school?
Me: mmhmm, yup.
Tommy: are you swimming?
Me: no. my sister is.
Both of us: ...
Me: which event are you?
Tommy: 200 IM. dont watch me though, i'll be really bad.
Me: oh, i'll be watching. good luck
Tommy: thx. i need it.
that dialogue was really pointful... he's in the same team as my sister, but she's never seen him around. prolly cause he's in the 'o cat' division, which means he trains all year and not just the summer.
omg excitement.
fast forward. my sister did really well in her 200 IM event, considering she's never raced that one this year... her shitty coach, who has the same name as i do (ugh) signed her up for all the wrong events. whateverssssssss. my sister got 2nd alternate. uh ya. she went to see Jen afterwards:
Jen: you did terrible, blah blah, everything sucked except your butterfly, you were 51 seconds for your freestyle, thats outrageous, blah blah blah, you better redeem yourself tomorrow coz you were horrible.
apparently my sister's former coach Ben (who i might mention is the hottest nice guy on the planet) is dating Jen the class-a bitch. he was sitting beside her at the crash desks. lovely! ewwwwww. the world is uh, clearly messed up. Jen has frog eyes that bulge when she's angry and matted hair. plus she's evil.
after her race we chilled for a bit and tried not to get lost in the usual swimmeet insanity, like obsessing about other kids' race times and gossiping about shit. i have a theory that swim meets make people about 200 times more idiotic and arrogant. the kids only hang out with other kids with similar race times, coz the ones who are better than others do not even bother looking at slow lowlings. its pretty messed.
i guess i kind of miss swim meets cause i like the excitement and i love swimming and all but i despise all the people junk that come with it.
what a huge post. i'm going to stop here.
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