the nelly furtado and timbaland performance was fuhreaking awesome. their chemistry onstage was just crazy. there were a lot of energetic performances this year in general. as much as i hate rihanna for sampling soft cell's "tainted love" (among other things), her performance was the most entertaining.
emily haines of metric was a total bitch on red carpet, it was almost offensive to the viewer. she completely ignored the vj's questions and ran away from him. uhhh, righto. i coulda have slapped her. wtf does she think she is, the world's indie rock queen?
[mmva photos] some select photos (click to see them much bigger):

louis vuitton + clandestine motifs? thats classic pete wentz.
(note: clandestine is pete wentz's clothing line of emo-certified goods. ha.)
[pete wentz' clandestine buzznet]
i've spewed out a billion photos this week, it seems.
k bye.
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