blogger is fucking msessed up, it just deletd my last post. ah well who gives about posts anyway
i wanna go on a shopping rampage
i might do something to my hair today ie. go to the hair salon.
or maybe i wont
when i was lil, my mom cut my hair in the bathroom and i liked looking at my black hair in the trash bin
once my sister cut her own hair when she was like six and i was nine cause we had just been watching that disney movie mulan and we were raving about that part when mulan cuts off her hair so that she can pretend to be a man go join the army forces to protect her father, etc, etc. and we were totally drooling over this heroine and we were like wow, thats so brave, and then a day later chunks of my sister's hair was in the garbage and my mom and i were like wtf, why did you cut your hair, and my sister replied, coz mulan did it and i thought it was cool.
my sister is going through a manic sewing phase and she hand sews like three pillows a day and makes stuffed frogs with googly eyes.
i havent eaten breakfast yet altho its kind of dinnertime in like 4 hours. eh
i miss playing tag. i think im in a regression phase where i only read childrens books and get all nostalgic about elementary school
im maybe gonna start on a grand project soon, stay tuned
or mebbe not
im fickle.
k bye.
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