did the math exam yesterday. pretty easy, except it turns out i did more work than i had to - i could have used the calculator more efficiently instead of doing everything by hand. umm ya. whatever.
i've only one more exam to go. i've yet to study for my giant social studies provincial exam and the guilt slash worry is itching at the back of my mind. itch, itch, itch. ugggh.
last nite i read for five hours straight. (wheeeee free time!) i read the most amazing book of my sister's, called My Heartbeat. i loved it because of the unusual emotions in it and also because not a single thing in it was cliche. the main girl, Ellen, is now one of my favourite characters in all of literature i've ever read in my life. ahahah. the book doesn't really deserve to be labeled a "young adult book" coz so many craptacular teenagehood novels go into that category.
i re-read every single Judy Blume book in the house... the last time i read them must have been years ago. aw. "tales of a fourth grade nothing" was the first english book that i really enjoyed, in grade five.
Zach Braff is starring in an upcoming movie! he didn't write/direct it this time, as far as i know, but i will still be watching it because he was way awesome in "Garden State". his blog has the trailer of the movie (as well as some video posts and whatnot). "the last kiss" will come out in September.
i should really be studying for my last exam extensively because of the two essays i have to write for it. my mom made me run about triple billion errands today, i was like ARGH JUST GIMME A LONG LIST OF THINGS TO DO AND STOP BUGGING ME, WOMAN! whenever i read on the couch, she thinks im being lazy. i guess thats true to some extent...... but its hot and sticky and its that time of the month in which i feel like being a fat potato and do nothing productive.
this morning i actually listened to my keane cd in its entirety for the first time since i bought it. hahaha! i think im becoming lovesicksappyromantic here. cough cough.
k bye.
"Now we all know the words were true in the sappiest songs"
- Death Cab For Cutie, "A Movie Script Ending"

hahahha I calculated that I need 62% on the socials provincial to get 86% overall in socials.
This time next week I'll be watching Death Cab. Wheeee I'm excited.
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