went to kerrisdale and met up with rox, denise, rachel and uh aaron and his "girlfriend". hah [edit: I FORGOT LARA.]
i need a fake name for the aforementioned girlfriend. any suggestion would be appreciated. (this means you dara & denise.)
we had iscreamyouscreamweallscreamforicecream and then had a lunch-less picnic. we sat on the grass by the park in the community centre. its very nice and sunny out today. i wore a white skirt coz everything else was in the laundry. it was not comfortable. we played cards on the grass.
i forget what else we did. we got some food and we looked at clothes and denise bought skinny jeans, we went to payless shoes, etc
i was walking home and then i entered this tiny store that was just about to close and i bought a pack of rainbow origami paper. umm yeah. i have a boxful of paper cranes right now, i plan to make more. it's more addicting than picking at scabs.
by the way, i had a dream that i was a waitress today. odd.
on a completely irrelevant note, i am pissed because im being told/suggested what to do and i want to yell STOP FUCKING PRESSURING ME MMMKTHX. ugh. i will do what i want to do, and not what YOU want to do, thank you very much.
k bye.
"went to kerrisdale and met up with rox, denise, rachel and uh aaron and his "girlfriend". hah"
LOL you forgot lara. HAHAAHAH
ohhh shit. im an idiot
BETTER THANK PICKING AT SCABS! BLASPHEMY!!!! ehehe, you can guess what I love doing.
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