Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dick Advocaat (KOR)


June 18, 2006: Korea’s Park Ji Sung (Manchester United) scored a tying goal at 81 minutes, making the Korea-France match a DRAW. I am totally excited by the fact that France could only score one goal... our goalie is way too good. I’m amused that France has nothing but two draws now, because they have the odds of 1:15 at winning the Cup, obviously the highest in Group G. (Korea’s odds are something like 1:200.) GO REDS! I think the French must be plenty sore.

I’ve had the most insane couple of days... Yesterday, I took a bus 1.5 hours out of Vancouver with Dara, to White Rock (a small suburb), to attend a big fat get-together at my former math teacher’s house. Awwwwwww. it was a back-yard house party with croquet and burgers and popcorn. more than half our class came. it was awesome seeing our teacher again... he left the school only a few months ago (transferred to a different school much nearer his residence) but he's the best teacher ever. i think we'll have emotional ties to him until end of grade 12, for sure.

after that whole shebang i came home and fell asleep at 9 30pm... insanity. i was abruptly awoken at 1 45 in the morning when i had the worst nightmare i've had in a REALLY long time. it scared me shitless and i couldn't go to sleep coz my heart was pounding, and i didn't know what was reality and what had been the dream, because it had been so goddamned vivid. since i couldn't go to sleep, i cleaned my entire room and desk and sat on my bed, trying to get rid of bad thoughts, until i fell asleep at 3am or so.

the nitemare was basically ALL my worries rolled into one giant crushing ball... ummm yeah. i'll say that much. i was so scared i nearly went schizo.

when i woke up in the morning, i had had yet another dream... that one wasn't a bad dream but it was certainly weird. umm. i think i have photography on my mind too much these days... in my dream, everything was grainy and black&white, just like the photos i develop on the weekends.

i took the bus to West Pender and Georgia to attend the Arts Umbrella end-year exhibition, called "Expressions: Something's Happening Here!". I took some pictures, which i will post later because my computer's in the repair shop and i can't upload them yet. two of my photos were hung in the gallery, the theme being the artistic sculptures around Vancouver. some important people talked about important things for a little while in the gallery.

then my photo class went to critique our own photos among ourselves, as we usually do on the last day of class, when another Arts Umbrella instuctor who taught painting, Martin, showed up and went on a 10-minute tangent about how we youngins were artists, not joe shmo sheep, and therefore could change the corporate face of earth; about the days of his youth and how they used to rebel about everything, from the vietnam war to the price of bread; how he hadn't seen a big fat youth revolt in the last 15 years; how he thinks we teens should live our lives and have fun. it was wild. he was the most energetic person i've met. his whole rant was far too amusing.

on my way back home from the gallery, i was walking along Robson Street when i realized... EVERYONE AROUND ME WAS WEARING RED. i looked around more carefully and realized that these were the korean parts of downtown and this location is the exact spot where the korean-canadians/students parade along, after every world cup soccer match (ever since 4 years ago)... the cars started honking in chaotic unison and there were lots and lots of red shirts and korean flags. ahahahahahahaha. i got caught in the moment and went hyper.

... thats when i heard about the 1-1 tie. from the yelling crowds. it was exhilirating. and hilarious.

i took the bus home and realized i got home just in time to watch the MuchMusic Video Awards Red Carpet (4:30pm) but i severely need to start studying, so I'm going to have to postpone watching that till later. muchmusic will play it a crapload of times, but i can only hope that they will also rebroadcast the Red Carpet Arrivals coz that's just as much worth watching as the actual awards.

off to "studying". ciao.


Anonymous said...

it's weird, i was on the seabus with my grandma, and this kid who was like 18 or 19 sat next to us and started talking about how beautifully multi-cultural vancouver is. he explained that he was from saudi arabia and was here just to study the english language, but he wanted to stay because he found the city so amazing. the point of my story is that he was laughing because he never saw so many iranians, hindus, koreans, latinos, etc. all in the same place during a major international event without slitting each others throats. it was probably the most awesome conversation i have ever had with a complete stranger, for those 12 minutes.

JaG said...

And of course you have that Dutch coach on your side!!