Monday, June 12, 2006

AHHHHGHG COMING UP WITH GRADE TWELVE AWARDS IS SO HARD. how is it possible for these awards to be charming/serious/funny/thoughtful/ aww-inducing/relevant/personal at once, without being stupid/corny/inappropriate/cliche to the max? impossible.

i have no ideas and the award presentation is tomorrow. ugh

i'll have to prob give away some retarded award that is corny and makes no sense.


by the way. i just had my first popsicle of the summer a few hours ago - a strawberry one from the korean grocery store that i haven't had in about eight years. popsicles ftw!


JaG said...

I blogged about popsicles yesterday too!!

Raymi Lauren said...

i won most humorous person and they gave me a whoopie cushion