i am pretty weird. i just read a fall out boy q&a site for ummm like 2 hours? yuh im about to barf my brains out from squinting at the tiny font. i dunno why i like reading pointless shit so much.
i broke a plate today. it made a loud bang when it hit the floor and gazillions of glasslike pieces lay on the kitchen and got embedded in the hallway carpet. i opened the blinds and the glass caught the rays of yellow light and the house looks shiny and sparkly but really its very deadly. i mopped up the shards and combed through the carpet and i hope i didn't prick myself with a featherlight dustsmall piece of porcelainglass shard because i can't stand the idea of an inanimate object being rooted in my flesh.
uh. ive gone temporarily cuckoo coz i did not break a plate to day
i made a mix cd for my mom, this is probably the seventh or eighth or nineth that i've made for her. i think she stole my feist cd cuz i cant find it and i dont feel like opening a hundred cd cases i own to see if i misplaced it. how inconvienient.
ps. why is the internet slash blogger being fucked today?
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